We’ve seen some great posts over the last month or so, but haven’t had time to post them all yet… so here we go!
In Song of Solomon 5:1, God interjects and approves of marital intimacy by saying, “Eat, friends; drink and imbibe deeply, O lovers.” — This reminds me… I need to finish my long-running series about Song of Solomon!
Dear wife, you deserve a great sex life too! — If a husband wants better sex for himself, one of the best ways to get it is to focus more on his wife.
A huge list of things many husbands would like to try with their wives — also, be willing to be adventurous — wives, science says that you may not even know what arouses you.
Average penis size by country, and a helpful tip for a wife who wants to measure her husband surreptitiously. Husbands, don’t worry: women don’t seem to care as much about size as we do.
Enthusiastic sex = greater intimacy — we also wrote about the importance of enthusiasm.
More about frenulum orgasms — here’s our post about the frenulum. For him, also try prostate massaging.
Move mismatched sex drives towards better — sex and marriage take effort.
Why you should try doggy-style — and here are some tips for the doggy-style position.
How to make sex into a great workout — use all your muscles!
Sex toys for Valentine’s Day — we really enjoy our wedge pillows and remote-controlled vibrator.
Be visually generous — if your husband his feeling down, just ask if he wants to touch your boobs.
Oral sex survey results — every sex blogger’s favorite topic. Husbands and wives apparently want to give more oral sex than they currently do.
Overcoming fellare phobia, the fear of giving oral sex — “He was thrilled!” — Swallowing and Enjoying It. Semen doesn’t taste like chocolate, but hey, you can always add chocolate!
Ask your husband to choose your panties for the day — alternatively: secret message panties.
- Sex Chat for Christian Wives — a new podcast by four familiar Christian sex bloggers.
- To help wives orgasm: encouragement for the pre-orgasmic wife, discover your body, and husband: how to make love to your wife.
Plus, 20 more great links from Forgiven Wife.
Whew, that’s a lot of stuff! If you’ve got another link to share, leave a comment.