Wearing and Using a Vibrator in Public

This post is also available as a podcast: Podcast #010: How to Use a Wireless Vibrator in Public

A couple of months ago we reviewed the We Vibe II vibrator and we were disappointed with it overall — too bad we didn’t get a We Vibe 4! The newest version comes with an app that lets you control the vibrator with a mobile device. How fun would that be? Well, Amanda Chatel did it and helpfully writes about her experience wearing the We Vibe around town while running errands with her husband in control of the vibrator.

Once it was quite clear that my husband could control the vibrator when I was on the first floor of my apartment building (we live on the 5th), I ventured outside to do, of all things, errands. With my vibrator clipped in place and a tight pair of yoga pants for even more support, I went to get my dry-cleaning. Just as I reached in my wallet to pay for it, my husband, from back in our apartment, turned on the vibrator. I immediately went into panic mode. Could they hear the faint buzzing? Was my crotch visibly vibrating? Could they notice that I was blushing?

As a means to quell my own paranoia, I immediately brushed off the vibrating sound as my phone, which I’m sure they couldn’t even hear, but you know, neuroses is a cross I have to bear, and I feverishly dug through my bag pretending to look for it. It was all very flamboyant and dramatic of me, and completely unnecessary, but then my husband turned off the vibrator, and I managed to gain some composure.

I think this is really hot, but rather than being back home I’d want to be right by my wife’s side. We don’t have a We Vibe 4, but we do have a short-range remote controlled vibrator that we could play with. It isn’t a regular part of our arsenal, so I’ll have to dust it off and make sure it works before our next date night.

Unfortunately for the We Vibe, it looks like Mrs. Chatel’s experience was similar to my wife’s:

As much as I enjoyed the wandering around doing my errands to keep things spicy and surprising, I knew the best place for me to really enjoy it would be if I went to a bar, sat down, and got a drink. I knew sitting, without the concern of the vibrator somehow wiggling it’s way out of my yoga pants, would allow for much more relaxing enjoyment … and it did. Oh, how it did. It wasn’t quite orgasm great, because I don’t think I could relax enough to climax in a public place, but it definitely felt good, and with my husband at the controls, the surprise factor was one of the best parts.

The vibration just isn’t strong enough to get her to climax. Perhaps Mrs. Chatel will give us some suggestions for using the toy more effectively in the future?

Update: Read about our experience using a secret vibrator in public.

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    1. Hey, thanks for leaving a comment! We like your blog and I’m going to add a link to our sidebar.

      Now that you’ve used the WeVibe 4 for a while can you write some more about your experience with it? Both as a remote device and when using it during sex? We didn’t find the WeVibe 2 very comfortable or stimulating during sex.

      1. I am currently writing the 2nd part of my We-Vibe story. I’ve been sidetracked for the last few months. I will say this: When Heather reaches for a toy, she grabs the We-Vibe first.

          1. We used it during sex the first time but we used too much lube and it wouldn’t stay in. Since then, we’ve used it in our foreplay. Heather loves to put it in to get worked up. I usually will manipulate it … pull it out, push it in, etc. before I go down on her. I work my tongue around it, pushing it this way and that. Usually after about 5-10 minutes, she pulls it out and I become her “vibrator” of choice.

            Using it during sex was really, REALLY good for both of us.

            One problem we had was that first time we used it (and I’ll explain it in more detail in my story), it malfunctioned and wouldn’t change settings nor would it turn off. I requested a warranty replacement and it was handled quite quickly.

            When I finish my story, I’ll go into detail about the app and remote options. In fact, tonight, I’m going to suggest to Heather that she put it in and let me randomly control it as we hang and watch TV or whatever. We’ll see how it goes.

          2. I wonder if we were using it wrong or something?

            Using it during TV/hang out time sounds awesome. Keep us posted.

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