Q&A: Sex in Public Places

Reader “J” asks:

What thoughts (feelings, emotions, etc.) have gone through your mind when you and El Fury have had sex in a “public” place?

The thought of something like that sounds so exciting and exhilarating to me, but my wife has zero interest. The idea came to me when reading a book where the author wrote about overhearing his children discussing their favorite “public” places to get it on.

Any advice on how to turn something like that into something enjoyable for my wife?

That’s a great question!

The first time we did it in “public” I was honestly terrified. There was a big part of me that was hoping El Fury would call my bluff. I was so worried someone would catch us in the act, or we would get in trouble or something. But then once we got into it, it was incredibly sexy and fun. There was so much desire, it felt like we simply had to have each other right then and there. It was also a great bonding moment. I had no idea either of us were that adventurous! Here is my post about our first public place: an ancient beehive hut. One of the best parts of this experience is that it wasn’t contrived, it just happened. It’s one of my favorite memories. We’ve had other “public” sex, and they have all been fun, but to me the best ones are when we aren’t planning it and we just get lost in the moment. Like I said in my post, it’s important to make sexual memories. Doing it in public is definitely memorable! Just don’t get caught!

As for making your wife comfortable, she’s probably just nervous. When you want to try it, you might want to make sure that it is a secure enough public place that she feels comfortable that you won’t get caught. We have had sex on hiking trails where we are far enough away from the main trail that we can see if anyone is approaching. Also, let her determine what state of undress she wants to get in. We typically keep all of our clothes on and only expose the necessary bits so that we can cover up fast if we need to.

Here is a previous posts about sex in public places that discusses preparation, locations, and technique. You may also enjoy wearing a vibrator in public.

Please use the contact pages for Sexy Corte and El Fury to send us your questions. We will only share your question if you give us permission, and we’ll never reveal your name or any other identifying information. You can ask questions anonymously, or use a free anonymous email server like Mailinator.

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1 comment

  1. My wife is interested in this, however I am very unsure about it. Maybe we will try it and report back!

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