If you enjoyed the Adult Advent Calendar and Sexy Jenga, then here’s a new game for you: Hidden Note Sexy Activity Game. Ok, I admit, the name isn’t great… maybe I can come up with something better before I hit “publish”.

Anyway, the idea behind the game is simple:

  • List: Each spouse uses a journal to create a numbered list of sexy activities, one activity per page; create as many as you want, but the game will begin with one dozen per spouse. Put the journals in an easily accessible place in your bedroom, and agree not to peek at each other’s book.
  • Notes: Each spouse then writes the numbers one through twelve on colored note cards, using different colored notes for the husband and wife.
  • Hide: Hide your notes around the house in locations that your spouse will eventually find them.

During the course of your everyday life you will stumble upon your spouse’s notes, and that’s when the real fun begins! When you find a note of the appropriate color you have to do three things:

  1. Don’t say anything about finding the note. Try to surprise your spouse with his or her request! Don’t ask questions or make an announcement.
  2. Follow the instructions on the note to the best of your ability (guided by reason and logic). Use the number on the note to look up the activity in your spouse’s journal (no peeking at anything else!). Don’t ruin the surprise by asking for clarification, just follow the intent of the instructions in the way that seems best to you.
  3. Hide a new note of your own. This is how the game keeps going! Add a new activity to your journal and then hide a new card that points to it. By replacing your spouse’s note with one of your own, you increase the likelihood that one of your notes will be the next one found. The number of notes “in the wild” remains constant, and there’s always something new to find.

This game is awesome for several reasons:

  • It never ends! You could find a note at any time.
  • Even though you know what you requested, you never know when each note will be found.
  • If your kids or relatives find a note all they’ll see is a meaningless number. Only the two of you can decode the sexiness.

If you need ideas for activities check out Sexy “Would You Rather”, Sexy Jenga, the Sex Adventure Generator, and the Naughty Story Generator. Here are a few examples:

  • Go put on a skirt with no panties.
  • Sleep naked tonight.
  • Pick a place to have sex that we’ve never done it. Lure me to the spot and ambush me.
  • Give me 10 passionate kisses before the end of the day.
  • Bring me a drink and surprise me with oral sex.
  • Fix a bath for the two of us after the kids go to bed.
  • Write me a naughty note describing what you want me to do to your body.
  • Blindfold me, take off your clothes, and start playing Naked Marco Polo.

Leave a comment with some of your ideas for notes!

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I don’t know about you all, but this month has been crazy busy for our family! Here are a bunch of great links that have been piling up in my inbox.

Eye candy — Tasty and low-carb. Watching Sexy Corte undress or do anything naked is awesome, especially chores or cooking — probably because acts of services is my primary love language.

Fun things to do in the nude — For when you have the house to yourselves. Why wear clothes on your stay-cation?

How often are healthy couples having sex? — More sex leads to better sex, and we recommend building a habit of daily sex.

Should you get a sex pillow? — We have two wedge pillows with clips to attach cuffs. Very versatile.

Foreplay moves that will actually turn you on — And husbands, yes, it’s worth shaving.

Rear entry with her on top — We enjoy doggy style, but haven’t tried it much with Sexy Corte in the more active role.

How your marriage can benefit from technology — Other than vibrators or sex robots of course! Always use discretion when bringing any outside influence into your marriage.

Growth spurt fellatio technique — The best way to wake up. What’s your favorite thing you wife does during oral sex? Mine isn’t on the poll: it’s when Sexy Corte has an orgasm with me in her mouth.

Adding slang to your sex life — Check out the history of sexual slang.

Romantic Jenga — Here’s a list of sexy activities you can use for your blocks.

Have a great week! Share any more great links in the comments.

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This post is also available as a podcast: Podcast #014: A Few Sexy Halloween Games

If you’ve got kids then you know how you’re spending your Halloween: trick-or-treating! But after the kids are in bed you can still make some time to enjoy the holiday with your spouse. Maybe your wife (or husband!) has a sexy costume she can put on in private, or maybe you can play a spooky game together to get your blood flowing. Here are some ideas:

  • Scavenger hunt: Make a list of spooky shapes and then use water-soluble markers to draw them all over your bodies. Each person looks for the shapes on their spouse. Bonus points: both spouses scour each other at the same time, and whoever finds them all first wins!
  • Mummy wrap: The age-old childrens’ classic, except your spouse isn’t wearing anything underneath the toilet paper. Your spouse can wrap you, or you can wrap yourself up and your spouse can do the unwrapping. Bonus points: wrap or unwrap without using your hands.
  • Tell scary stories: Snuggle together under the sheets with a flashlight and tell some scary stories. You can take turns telling stories, or do it “popcorn”-style where each person talks for a minute or so and then the other takes over developing the same story. Bonus points: Do it naked, obviously!
  • Fortune teller: Nothing occult here, don’t worry. Put the pieces from your Sexy Adult Jenga game in a bag and draw them throughout the day to tell your spouse’s fortune: how he or she is going to get lucky later that night. Each person draw a piece once per hour — him at the top of the hour, and her on the halfs. If you’re not together, text the results to each other. Bonus points: follow the instructions when you draw the piece.
  • Role-playing: Halloween is a great time to do some role-playing, even if you don’t have the “right” costumes. Cop and robber? Haunted closet? Last day on earth? Bonus points: make it something spooky.

What do you and your spouse do to spice up your Halloween?

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Yesterday El Fury posted about our game, Sexy Jenga. Last night we tested it out. We had a blast! I decided to play to win, so I wore an extra distracting outfit. We put on some sexy music and set up the game at the foot of our bed. One of the great things about being married, is that you have nothing to be embarrassed about. So we didn’t hold back at all. It was fun to get into the role-playing numbers. We were sort of bummed when the tower fell the first time, so we played again. Most of the numbers we had already played came up again, so we added one… or ten… whatever it took to try a new one. By the time the tower fell the second time we were both so aroused that we were ready for the game to end. If you are looking for a way to spice up a night with your spouse, I definitely recommend Sexy Jenga.

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Here’s a fun game that Sexy Corte and I came up with: Sexy Jenga! (Here’s how our game went when we played.)

Setup: Write the numbers 1-48 on the wooden blocks of your Jenga set. Print out the list below and perform the indicated activity when you pull the block with each number. Each activity should be performed for about one minute, and the game is over when the tower falls or you can’t avoid having sex.

  1. Distract your spouse with your hands while they draw their next piece.
  2. Distract your spouse with your mouth while they draw their next piece.
  3. Distract your spouse visually while they draw their next piece.
  4. Distract your spouse by footsie while they draw their next piece.
  5. Remove an article of your clothing. If naked, play with yourself.
  6. Remove an article of your clothing. If naked, play with yourself.
  7. Remove an article of your clothing. If naked, play with yourself.
  8. Remove an article of your spouse’s clothing. If naked, your spouse plays with themself.
  9. Remove an article of your spouse’s clothing. If naked, your spouse plays with themself.
  10. Remove an article of your spouse’s clothing. If naked, your spouse plays with themself.
  11. Lap dance
  12. Make out, focus on breasts
  13. Make out, focus on butt
  14. Make out, focus on husband’s body
  15. Lick/suck your spouse wherever they like, focus on using your lips
  16. Lick/suck your spouse wherever they like, focus on using your tongue
  17. Lick/suck your spouse wherever they like, focus on kissing
  18. Perform a sexy massage
  19. Spank your spouse. Tell them how they were naughty.
  20. Receive a spanking from your spouse. Confess how you were naughty.
  21. Rub your fingertips over your spouse’s exposed skin
  22. Tell your spouse a sexy story
  23. Slow dance to a song of your choice
  24. Sexy dance for your spouse to a song of their choice
  25. Serenade your spouse
  26. Put your fingers wherever you want
  27. Put your spouse’s fingers wherever you want
  28. Put your mouth wherever you want
  29. Put your spouse’s mouth wherever you want
  30. Describe a sexual fantasy
  31. Turn off the lights and grope each other
  32. Fake an orgasm
  33. Draw your spouse in the nude
  34. Take off your clothes as quickly as possible
  35. Take off your spouse’s clothes as quickly as possible
  36. Hold your hands behind your back while your spouse ravishes you
  37. Kiss and lick your spouse’s neck
  38. Kiss and lick your spouse’s inner leg, as high up as is currently bared
  39. Tease your spouse, make them beg for more
  40. Each spouse: pick a part of your spouse’s body and write a couplet about it
  41. Pick a toy or prop for your post-game lovemaking
  42. Role-play: pick up your spouse at a party
  43. Role-play: you’re a photographer; pose your spouse and take pictures
  44. Role-play: your spouse is your professor and you’re going to fail the class if you don’t change their mind
  45. Role-play: your spouse is a cop and you really don’t want to get another speeding ticket
  46. Game: Sexy staring contest
  47. Game: Blindfold yourself and catch your spouse (Marco Polo)
  48. Game: Sexy thumb wrestling, use your free hand to distract by any means

Winning: winner decides how to start having sex.

Repetition: some pieces of wood are larger than others, so if you seem to get the same activities every time you play you can just add 1 to your numbers.

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