Cleaning the Ceiling Fan

When your spouse’s love language is Acts of Service, it is fun to find new ways to spice up boring chores. You can accomplish a task as well as make your spouse feel loved AND have fun in the process. One of my least favorite chores is cleaning the ceiling fans. I do this chore about once a year. This last round as I got started I decided to do the fan in El Fury’s office last. This allowed me some time to plan a sexy surprise for him. First I made sure to let him overhear me complain about how hot it was. I removed some of my clothing, pulled a chair into his office and set about my task. I immediately had his attention. For me, this was very sexy, to feel like I had captivated him. I loved having his eyes on my while I slowly cleaned his ceiling fan and removed the rest of my clothing in the process. I pulled my hair up as the final touch.

Without saying a word, I walked over and sucked him off in his chair.

I can’t count how many times he has talked about this. He felt loved in a way that most deeply connects to him. Combining your spouse’s love language with sex is a powerful way to speak love into their soul. What is your spouse’s love language? How can you bring that into your sex life?

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  1. Sounds like that was a lot of fun for both of you. :) How do you handle a situation like that when you have given your husband an orgasm? Do you walk away without that for yourself? Or do you ask he return the favor? I am just curious, because I have a hard time doing sexy things for my husband that lead to orgasm and walking away with nothing.
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  2. Thanks for the comment! You know, it depends on the day and my mood. If I am just finishing my period and haven’t had an orgasm in a while, I most certainly expect the favor returned! In that case, instead of giving him a blow job I probably would have asked if he would like to go upstairs. Or I might have liked to set an expectation and ask that he return the favor later. There are times though when I am feeling overall very satisfied sexually and I can walk away from it. I think this might have been one of those times. I wanted to show him my love in that way, and it was fun just to watch the look on his face.

  3. SC is very generous! :)
    I also try to be generous and never say no. I’m generally eager to give her an orgasm whenever, wherever, and however she wants.

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