If you enjoyed the Adult Advent Calendar and Sexy Jenga, then here’s a new game for you: Hidden Note Sexy Activity Game. Ok, I admit, the name isn’t great… maybe I can come up with something better before I hit “publish”.
Anyway, the idea behind the game is simple:
- List: Each spouse uses a journal to create a numbered list of sexy activities, one activity per page; create as many as you want, but the game will begin with one dozen per spouse. Put the journals in an easily accessible place in your bedroom, and agree not to peek at each other’s book.
- Notes: Each spouse then writes the numbers one through twelve on colored note cards, using different colored notes for the husband and wife.
- Hide: Hide your notes around the house in locations that your spouse will eventually find them.
During the course of your everyday life you will stumble upon your spouse’s notes, and that’s when the real fun begins! When you find a note of the appropriate color you have to do three things:
- Don’t say anything about finding the note. Try to surprise your spouse with his or her request! Don’t ask questions or make an announcement.
- Follow the instructions on the note to the best of your ability (guided by reason and logic). Use the number on the note to look up the activity in your spouse’s journal (no peeking at anything else!). Don’t ruin the surprise by asking for clarification, just follow the intent of the instructions in the way that seems best to you.
- Hide a new note of your own. This is how the game keeps going! Add a new activity to your journal and then hide a new card that points to it. By replacing your spouse’s note with one of your own, you increase the likelihood that one of your notes will be the next one found. The number of notes “in the wild” remains constant, and there’s always something new to find.
This game is awesome for several reasons:
- It never ends! You could find a note at any time.
- Even though you know what you requested, you never know when each note will be found.
- If your kids or relatives find a note all they’ll see is a meaningless number. Only the two of you can decode the sexiness.
If you need ideas for activities check out Sexy “Would You Rather”, Sexy Jenga, the Sex Adventure Generator, and the Naughty Story Generator. Here are a few examples:
- Go put on a skirt with no panties.
- Sleep naked tonight.
- Pick a place to have sex that we’ve never done it. Lure me to the spot and ambush me.
- Give me 10 passionate kisses before the end of the day.
- Bring me a drink and surprise me with oral sex.
- Fix a bath for the two of us after the kids go to bed.
- Write me a naughty note describing what you want me to do to your body.
- Blindfold me, take off your clothes, and start playing Naked Marco Polo.
Leave a comment with some of your ideas for notes!