Here are some christian sex links that we hope you’ll enjoy this Christmas season!

Adult Advent Calendar — a fun, sexy game that lasts all month! Give experiences instead of possessions.

Clitoral, G-Spot and Deep Spot – 3 Pathways to Pleasure — be sure to also check out All About Female Orgasms (Safe Diagrams)

Want to Give Your Wife Intense Sexual Pleasure? Do THIS. — a good post about fingering. See also: Thumb and Finger Zoom Technique and How to Rub a Clitoris.

9 Tips to Give Your Wife Oral Sex — we write a lot about oral sex for the husband, so here you go!

Sexy Pictures and Video in a Christian Marriage? — or you could Role-Playing: Photographer and Model — I think taking the pictures would be as fun as having the pictures.

Do I Have To? — the flip side of Can we *blank*? “If your husband really wants to do a sexual activity that you dislike, do you have to do it?”

Can a Christian Wife Learn to Be Wild? — see also: Sex Q&A: “Weird” Sex

Let’s Talk Lubenumbing lubes, quickie lube, oil-based lube for sex in the water, pack lube for vacation, lube for outdoor sex, and keep lube in the car. I didn’t realize we’ve written so much about lube!

What music is best for sex? — we listen to music that we don’t let our kids hear. Barely related: Play Music From Your Vagina

Sex on The Weight Bench — we’ve never tried this literally, but see Do You Even Lift?

Revisit your limits — maybe you or your spouse wouldn’t do that ten years ago, but how about now? It’s worth reconsidering your limits periodically.

“Tell her how much you enjoy sex with her rather than just saying the sex was good.” — this is a great tip for husbands and probably deserves its own post. Even though a husband may be “sexually spontaneous”, he should still use words to reaffirm to his wife that his arousal is for her.

Hula-hooping for fitness — now I know what I want for Christmas… I want to watch Sexy Corte hula-hoop… in private.

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It’s time for a Christmas edition of the best Christian sex links we find around the interwebs! There are some pretty great ideas here.

4 Things to Do When You’re Too Tired for Sex — not instead of sex, but suggestions for managing your time and energy more effectively.

Transform Your Negative Reactions into Greater Intimacy — “How can he ask that? Doesn’t he ever listen to me? Why is he thinking about that all of a sudden? I don’t even want to think about that!

Make Your Home Sex-Friendly for Holiday Guests — Beds, locks, privacy, clean sheets. We also suggest a box of baby wipes on the nightstand.

Two posts about hand jobs — is there something in the air?

And since it’s Christmas: How To Give Your Husband a Blowjob. What’s a similar act of service for a husband to bless his wife with? Sexy Corte doesn’t enjoy cunnilingus in a similar fashion, so does anyone have any suggestions?

A few sexy advent calendars:

Tips for wives on how to initiate sex, and a podcast episode for a wife who wants to seduce her husbandBe proactive!

Can We Get More Christians Talking About Sex? — Readers, please consider sharing our blog and podcast with your friends!

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If you enjoyed the Adult Advent Calendar and Sexy Jenga, then here’s a new game for you: Hidden Note Sexy Activity Game. Ok, I admit, the name isn’t great… maybe I can come up with something better before I hit “publish”.

Anyway, the idea behind the game is simple:

  • List: Each spouse uses a journal to create a numbered list of sexy activities, one activity per page; create as many as you want, but the game will begin with one dozen per spouse. Put the journals in an easily accessible place in your bedroom, and agree not to peek at each other’s book.
  • Notes: Each spouse then writes the numbers one through twelve on colored note cards, using different colored notes for the husband and wife.
  • Hide: Hide your notes around the house in locations that your spouse will eventually find them.

During the course of your everyday life you will stumble upon your spouse’s notes, and that’s when the real fun begins! When you find a note of the appropriate color you have to do three things:

  1. Don’t say anything about finding the note. Try to surprise your spouse with his or her request! Don’t ask questions or make an announcement.
  2. Follow the instructions on the note to the best of your ability (guided by reason and logic). Use the number on the note to look up the activity in your spouse’s journal (no peeking at anything else!). Don’t ruin the surprise by asking for clarification, just follow the intent of the instructions in the way that seems best to you.
  3. Hide a new note of your own. This is how the game keeps going! Add a new activity to your journal and then hide a new card that points to it. By replacing your spouse’s note with one of your own, you increase the likelihood that one of your notes will be the next one found. The number of notes “in the wild” remains constant, and there’s always something new to find.

This game is awesome for several reasons:

  • It never ends! You could find a note at any time.
  • Even though you know what you requested, you never know when each note will be found.
  • If your kids or relatives find a note all they’ll see is a meaningless number. Only the two of you can decode the sexiness.

If you need ideas for activities check out Sexy “Would You Rather”, Sexy Jenga, the Sex Adventure Generator, and the Naughty Story Generator. Here are a few examples:

  • Go put on a skirt with no panties.
  • Sleep naked tonight.
  • Pick a place to have sex that we’ve never done it. Lure me to the spot and ambush me.
  • Give me 10 passionate kisses before the end of the day.
  • Bring me a drink and surprise me with oral sex.
  • Fix a bath for the two of us after the kids go to bed.
  • Write me a naughty note describing what you want me to do to your body.
  • Blindfold me, take off your clothes, and start playing Naked Marco Polo.

Leave a comment with some of your ideas for notes!

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We are over halfway through our Adult Advent Calendar, so I thought I would share an update. So far we have had a great time doing this! There have been some surprises, some overlaps, and some things we probably won’t be trying again (like having sex outside in the freezing cold!). It has been fun to see what El Fury has come up with. Every morning shortly after we wake up we both get excited about drawing a new Advent activity. Here are some of my favorite parts of this activity so far:

  • Being intentional. We draw an activity in the morning then spend the rest of the day doing that activity or thinking about how we are going to do that activity. Then when it’s time, we spend part of our evening (or afternoon) just focusing on each other. It’s nice to simply focus on each other.
  • Spicing things up. Here are some of the more interesting things we’ve done so far: Pirates and Poetry, NO panties until we have sex again, sex outside, Tattoo night, role-playing with Professor Fury, 5 Senses Sex, and sex during naptime.
  • Being romantic. Some of the other activities we have done: texting/emailing each other all day about what we plan to do to each other that night, dinner date after the kids go to bed. The texting one was fun, so we have continued doing that with the other activities we are doing.

A lot of people seem to get so busy and overwhelmed over Christmas. Make sure to give your sex life some of your best time, not just your leftover time. Anyone else trying the Adult Advent Calendar? Any fun ideas you’ve come up with?

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We’ve been drawing an activity from our adult advent calendar every morning this month, and yesterday we drew one of Sexy Corte’s ideas: “pirates and poetry”. It’s exactly what it sounds like: we dressed up like sexy pirates, read poetry, and played with each other before having sex. SC put eyeliner on me, and I basically looked like this:


(Update: SC says I was handsomer.)

Sexy Corte dressed as a sexy pirate wench in a red corset, stockings, a white peasant skirt… and that’s it. Super hot.

It’s important to draw the advent activity in the morning (instead of evening) for two reasons:

  1. Sexual energy builds up when you know what’s coming.
  2. You have time to prepare!

So yesterday at lunch I wrote a bawdy pirate sonnet. Feel free to read it to your spouse — see if it makes her blush!

Pirate captains are not romantic rogues,
Despite the stories on screens big and small.
They pill’ge and plunder everywhere they go,
D’spoiling booty in every port of call.

Many wenches yearn for salty sea-men,
With shining eyes and flirty p’laver frank.
But wenches’ mouths have nobl’r pirate function:
Walking with her lips his engor’ged plank.

Yet his heart may soften as he oft’ moors,
Nigh well-plumbed depths ’round the vicinity
f’Hidden grotto, warm and wet, his hoard,
Where sinks his laden ship repeatedly.

Where a hardened pirate seeks deepest rest,
And buries little pirates in her treasure chest.

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Want a way to spice up this Christmas season? Why not try making your own adult Advent Calendar? This year El Fury and I cut up 24 strips of paper, and each of us wrote 12 ideas on each one. We are keeping them a surprise and starting December 1st will open a new one each day until Christmas. Our thought is that we will open them in the morning so that we have the day to prepare or carry out the card. I’m not sure yet what all EF wrote, but I did a blend of sexy, relaxing and fun. Here are some ideas:

  • Wear something sexy under your clothes today
  • Play a sexy game tonight (Twister, Jenga, etc.)
  • Try a new sexual position tonight
  • Bubble bath and wine

I am really excited for December 1st so we can start. We hope you and your spouse can have fun doing your own adult Advent Calendar! Post any ideas in the comments. We will report back and let you know how it is going!

Update: It’s lots of fun!

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