It seems like there’s a lot of interest in bondage these days, and many couples are experimenting with stuff they never would have thought of before. If you’ve never tried bondage you may be wondering what the big deal is — why would anyone want to be restrained during sex?

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Bondage for Beginners: What, Why, and How:

Intro to Shibari, Japanese Rope Bondage:

Edging: Prolonged Stimulation for Huge Orgasms:

How To Do Sexual Role-Playing:

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All Christian sex bloggers eventually get around to the question: should a wife swallow her husband’s semen? This episode is a compilation of several posts on the topic, focused on the perspectives of wives who swallow.

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Yes, You Should Swallow:

Sex in Song of Solomon, Chapter 2:

Q&A: How Do I Get My Wife to Swallow and Enjoy It?:

“He was thrilled!” — Swallowing and Enjoying It:

What Do Wives Think of Swallowing Semen?:

Q&A: Jaw Pain While Giving Oral Sex:

Sex Q&A: Overcoming Your Gag Reflex:

Stimulate Both Spouses While One Is Performing Oral:

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Sexual responsiveness is critical for creating exciting, pleasurable, and memorable sexual encounters.

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The Importance of Sexual Responsiveness (

The Importance of Enthusiasm (

Bondage for Beginners: What, Why, and How (

How to Increase Intimacy During Sex (

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Enthusiasm is more important than any other single behavior when it comes to having great sex.

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Related blog posts:

The Importance of Enthusiasm (

The Importance of Sexual Responsiveness (

Sexy Adult Jenga (

Naked Marco Polo (

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Not having been born with one myself, it took some time and experience for me to learn how to properly pleasure a clitoris — and I imagine most husbands are in the same boat.

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How to Rub a Clitoris: Pulling Back the Curtain (

Thumb and Finger Zoom Technique (

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We’re trying something new! Podcasts are so hot right now, and we’ve brought on a new team member — me, Mr. Blank — to convert some of our written material into audio. This is an experiment: we’re going to start with our most popular and helpful content, see how it goes.  Please enjoy our first podcast episode, based on the post “Can We *BLANK*?”

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(We’re still learning how to do this, so your comments and feedback will be extra-appreciated.)

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