Our family has been into chess recently, so here are some rules that you and your spouse can use to turn chess into a sexy adult game.

  • You may distract your spouse however you want on his or her turn: visually, vocally, verbally, or physically.
  • When you capture a pawn, your spouse removes a piece of clothing.
  • When you capture a piece other than a pawn, your spouse pleasures you for one minute.
  • When you check your spouse’s king, you may use your spouse however you want for one minute.
  • The winner gets to pick the finishing sex position.

Some additional ideas:

  • Vibrator: It’s not really fair, but I love vibing Sexy Corte while she’s trying to think. (See also: Tie, Tease, Trivia.)
  • Body board: Draw a chess board on your body. Could be a fun surprise for your spouse! Whoever is the board needs to hold really still, and may have trouble playing, but the challenge is part of the fun.
  • Candy pieces: Use some sweets for the pieces and eat them off each other when they’re captured.
  • Bifecta: Have sex while you’re playing. (See: Bifecta: The Beast With Two Tablets.)

Do you have any ideas for sexy chess? Let us know in the comments!

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