Sexy Chess Rules

Our family has been into chess recently, so here are some rules that you and your spouse can use to turn chess into a sexy adult game.

  • You may distract your spouse however you want on his or her turn: visually, vocally, verbally, or physically.
  • When you capture a pawn, your spouse removes a piece of clothing.
  • When you capture a piece other than a pawn, your spouse pleasures you for one minute.
  • When you check your spouse’s king, you may use your spouse however you want for one minute.
  • The winner gets to pick the finishing sex position.

Some additional ideas:

  • Vibrator: It’s not really fair, but I love vibing Sexy Corte while she’s trying to think. (See also: Tie, Tease, Trivia.)
  • Body board: Draw a chess board on your body. Could be a fun surprise for your spouse! Whoever is the board needs to hold really still, and may have trouble playing, but the challenge is part of the fun.
  • Candy pieces: Use some sweets for the pieces and eat them off each other when they’re captured.
  • Bifecta: Have sex while you’re playing. (See: Bifecta: The Beast With Two Tablets.)

Do you have any ideas for sexy chess? Let us know in the comments!

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          1. I’m not a huge fan of Monopoly either, but I think it would quickly become my favorite game if I played it like that! How long did it take you to come up with all that? Very creative! I’m sure that’s one of your wife’s favorite qualities about you haha

          2. Thanks! Blessedly, my significant other does appreciate my creativity. You’ll probably get around to playing this before we will, though; we’ve only been dating for a few months.

            However, we recently had a frank conversation about sex, and I think she’s interested in this sort of thing. I plan to introduce her to MCS and ask what catches her eye.

            I don’t really know how long it took to develop the game. Once I got the central idea, the rest of the game came to me gradually over a couple of days. The write-up did take a few hours of deliberate effort, though.

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