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We are eager to hear any of your feedback, but there are a few areas we’re particularly curious about. If you’d like, you can cut-and-paste the questions below into a comment and then leave your answers.

  1. What should we start, continue, or stop doing?
  2. What has been your favorite, most memorable, or most useful post?
  3. What do you think of the podcast? Do you listen to it?
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  5. Have you ever shared our site with a friend? If not… is it because the topic is embarrassing? How could we be more shareable?
  6. If you have a blog, podcast, or website of your own, have you linked to us? How could we earn a link from you?
  7. How has MarriedChristianSex.com affected your marriage and sex life?
  8. Anything else we should know?

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