Requesting Feedback from our Readers

We would really appreciate it if you took the time to give us some feedback, either by email or in the comment section below. (Scroll all the way down and click “Load Comments”.) Feedback is a gift, whether it’s positive or negative — as long as it’s something we can use to improve ourselves.

We are eager to hear any of your feedback, but there are a few areas we’re particularly curious about. If you’d like, you can cut-and-paste the questions below into a comment and then leave your answers.

  1. What should we start, continue, or stop doing?
  2. What has been your favorite, most memorable, or most useful post?
  3. What do you think of the podcast? Do you listen to it?
  4. What makes you want to leave a comment? Can you find the “Load Comments” button at the bottom of every post?
  5. Have you ever shared our site with a friend? If not… is it because the topic is embarrassing? How could we be more shareable?
  6. If you have a blog, podcast, or website of your own, have you linked to us? How could we earn a link from you?
  7. How has affected your marriage and sex life?
  8. Anything else we should know?

Thanks in advance! If you’d like to receive an update when we write a new post, use the “Subscribe to blog via email” field on the left sidebar — we never use your email address for any other purpose.

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  1. I have enjoyed your site and have shared with my wife. However, she really has never been there to read and learn more about sexual adventures in our marriage. A little frustrated because its always the same and nothing adventured nothing gained. My wife was strict in her upbringing and many things have been taboo or strictly religious oriented. We both love our faith but she is afraid. So your articles are great but believe there needs to be away to encourage people to break out of their shell, let their hair down and be a little risky. Thanks….

  2. Adam Reid

    12:54 PM (0 minutes ago)

    to Married
    I just want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you for what you guys are doing. Along with some other “Christian Sex Bloggers” my wife and I love following your stuff. It has seriously revolutionized our sex life. Please keep doing what you are doing!!!!
    The one thing that my wife commented on is that most of the posts seem to be from El Fury’s perspective and she would like to hear more from Sexy Corte.

  3. I enjoy your creativity, and think that your sexual stamina is over the top from average couples. Many things that you suggest would only be considered on a very special occasion as a one time experience by my wife. It would be helpful if you were to provide ideas for various levels of sexual adventure, so that there was a progressive journey from very traditional to the adventurous. In this way, ideas that are foreign from our upbringing could gradually be introduced. For example, my wife was taught that masturbation was sinful and so it has taken me years to get her to the point of caressing her breasts for me or touching genitals. If I do oral sex on her, she wants me to go use mouthwash before being allowed to kiss her. Therefore some form of graduated sexual exercises that lead into a more liberating sexual experience would be helpful. Instead after reading your post, I find myself envious of your sexual freedom as a couple, which is a feeling that I then have to guard so that it doesn’t impact how I feel towards my wife.

  4. I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed your posts and I am very much enjoying the podcasts! Over the years, my husband and I have found them very helpful and fun. I was very excited to find that you were podcasting! “Mr. Blank” is a great idea! Anytime a see another posting in my Inbox I can’t wait to check it out.

    I live in a small town. We own our own business and we are both very active at our church. However, we have no sex positive friends that we know of. As the worship leader at our church, I find it difficult to openly discuss this optic and my best friend hasn’t had sex with her husband in over 20 years. (I know! Very sad!) I rely on your posts and one other website very much not to feel like I am strange or abnormal.

    Please keep up the good work! I don’t know what I would do without you!

  5. Hello! I have enjoyed your site for several months, although I haven’t commented previously. I haven’t given the podcast a try yet.
    I really enjoy SC’s posts, and would love to hear more about fitting in opportunity around kids (we have small children).

    There are a couple of people I can imagine sharing the site with… I haven’t yet, though- except for my wife!

  6. I really enjoy reading your writings. What I enjoy most is the subjects you are discussing, which is from a Christian viewpoint, and although a lot of topics otherwise would be “taboo”, you guys tackle it head on and discuss it openly. It makes one realize that in a committed relationship you may have a lot of fun and that is great. I think a lot of discussions are also great in a sense that I can send my wife the link to read topics that is of interest to us both and we discussed before but wasn’t sure. Thank you for all your effort in doing this blog!
    What has been your favorite, most memorable, or most useful post? (Yes you should swallow)
    What do you think of the podcast? Do you listen to it? I have listened to a few, but I must admit, not enough… I would make an effort to listen to more)
    What makes you want to leave a comment? Can you find the “Load Comments” button at the bottom of every post? (To keep you guys motivated to keep up the good work)
    Have you ever shared our site with a friend? (Yes! :))
    How has affected your marriage and sex life? (We are sure having a lot more fun!! :) And its ok to have it!)
    Anything else we should know? (Maybe have a link where we could post questions (anonymously) where you guys could answer) Not sure how you do it at present? via email perhaps?

  7. I haven’t been a long-time reader but am slowly reading/listening through years of posts. A little over 2 months ago, I really felt compelled to start increasing the intimacy (all facets) with my wife. This led me to the married Christian blogosphere. Of these, I most identify with Uncovering Intimacy, but I have gotten much from others, including yours. Your site is probably a little too risqué for my wife currently, but I do appreciate the directness of your approach and feel it probably speaks well to many people. Simply put, finding safe, respectful sites for healthy sex is very difficult outside of Christian ones.

    Answers to your questions:

    1. Continue being frank/blunt and approaching it from a healthy perspective. Continue emphasizing the importance of PIV as the core of sexual relationships. Also, continue answering questions, as I learn things there that catch me off guard and haven’t heard elsewhere (e.g. that some women may struggle to O on back-to-back days or that some women who otherwise easily O can’t do so with with a given technique [oral]).

    2. Favorite post is “Edge-of-the-Bed Sex Positions”. This related to me because it was something we’d already just recently gotten working well (and has taken over as #1 position when using condoms). Even more recently, since reading it, my wife decided to take the vibrator plunge, and both times it was in this position. Amazingly enough, the second time led to her first (awake) O! Took 12 yr, but we finally got there! Late in intercourse, we transitioned to “Packing the Suitcase” from a related position, and that actually seemed to trigger her final ascent. I don’t think I’d have made the change to the positioning without having read that, so I really think we have your website to thank for contributing to her first time! (I should probably go back and post a comment on that article now…)

    3. I have listened to the podcasts. Great for a quick listen during my work commute.

    4. I leave comments on things I can personally relate to.

    5. Have not shared. Probably too embarrassed and introverted to do so now. Would do it if someone asked me for marital-relations help though.

    6. N/A

    7. In general, the site (and other Christian sex blogs) has made me realize that my urges/desires are healthy, normal, and something I should discuss with my wife. For specific example, see response to #2 above.

    8. Just wish I’d found this stuff 2 years into my marriage instead of 12! Maybe some day we can move onto role playing or light bondage, if desired. But, small steps at a time is working for my wife and leaving me DEEPLY satisfied (not just physically either).


  8. While I believe you & your wife are much younger that we are, we have learned so much from you!! The younger generation CAN teach the older one much.

    1. What should we start, continue, or stop doing?
    Love the blog, please don’t stop.
    2. What has been your favorite, most memorable, or most useful post?
    So many have been of benefit to us but particularly learning that sex toys are not “evil”. Historically, I think I had an easier time than many women reaching orgasm, but my changing 50’s body was betraying me and it was horribly frustrating (and my husband know my body, used many approaches, for extended lengths of time and nothing was working. This was not a case of believing PIV was adequate). I truly wondered if orgasms were no longer a to be part of my life. One little vibrator fixed that! Also, a few links you have shared have been of tremendous help as well. Thank you from the depths of both our hearts and bodies!!
    3. What do you think of the podcast? Do you listen to it?
    I’m just beginning to listen and will continue.
    4. What makes you want to leave a comment? Can you find the “Load Comments” button at the bottom of every post?
    I almost always want to leave a comment, but I’m not as fast on my phone and by the time I get to the computer, I wonder if it’s too late (as with this one, but I wanted you to know how deeply I appreciate your blog.)
    5. Have you ever shared our site with a friend? If not… is it because the topic is embarrassing? How could we be more shareable?
    A friend share with me and if the right opportunity comes up, I’ll pass it on. “Right” being a conversation with a married friend who is seeking more.
    6. N/A
    7. How has affected your marriage and sex life?
    See #2 and know that there are more as well. I love your plain speaking and boldness. Sex in marriage is to be amazing and you properly, in so many exciting ways, emphasis that.
    8. Anything else we should know?
    We probably aren’t the only ones reading in our age group, with long, good marriages that have been made better by your ministry. I’m not sure what number you should multiply by for everyone that occasionally leaves a comment to give an idea of how many more you are helping that just lurk in the background, but still benefit from your words–but I’m betting it’s high. You and your wife are greatly appreciated.

  9. 1. What should we start, continue, or stop doing?

    Like others have said keep being frank and honest about sexuality. How to articles about things like role play, positions, different types of stimulation etc. have been much appreciated.

    It’s also helpful to get Sexy Corte’s view of things from the female perspective.

    2. What has been your favorite, most memorable, or most useful post?

    Lots of favorites. After Her Orgasm and Variations and Tips for Doggy Style are great tip articles. Surprise Sex and other posts that encourage the wife to explore her own sexuality and share it with her husband are my absolute favorites.

    3. What do you think of the podcast? Do you listen to it?

    Never been much of a podcast listener so haven’t listened much. Just my personality.

    4. What makes you want to leave a comment?Can you find the “Load Comments” button at the bottom of every post?

    If I have an insight to share to help others or I want to thank y’all for all the good work you do on these posts I try to leave a comment. I can find the Load comments button.

    5. Have you ever shared our site with a friend? If not… is it because the topic is embarrassing? How could we be more shareable?

    Because the content is frank and honest about sex it’s difficult to share on platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

    I have shared posts on other marriage sites like TMB and I plan to share them in other venues IRL as well.

    6. If you have a blog, podcast, or website of your own, have you linked to us? How could we earn a link from you?


    7. How has affected your marriage and sex life?

    Very positively. It has helped encourage me that my sex drive is a gift from God and that being free and creative in the marriage bed is what He desires.

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