Would you like to have sex with your spouse all day, but your responsibilities make that seem impossible? We’ve written about daily sex, but sex all day? Well, way back in 2017 Jay Dee wrote that all-day sex is possible for busy married couples, as long as you break the sex up into flexible blocks of time.
So, I proposed the idea to my wife, who asked some good questions for clarification, and here is the plan we came up with. Basically, short 5-minute quickies throughout the day, without the intent of achieving orgasm. If it happens, no problem, but don’t chase it. Then, at the end of the day, we’d have a “proper” sex session wherein we’d both get an orgasm if we wanted it. Now, if your spouse needs more time to “warm up”, this may not work for you.
This was a Friday night, and we planned to try this out on Saturday since the only plan we had was going to church. We figured a quick session when we woke up. Another after we got home from church and got the kid’s lunch, and then our final one at night. Since it was late, we also decided just to have one of those “no orgasm” quickies at night before going to sleep.
Then we had a kid wake up at 4 am who just didn’t want to go to sleep. Most accurately, he didn’t want me to help him go to sleep, but I was trying to save my wife from having to wake up. But, after 20 minutes of him screaming that he didn’t want me, she was up anyways. Finally, he went to sleep again, and we figured, well, we’ll up anyways … so we sneaked (yes, that’s the right word) another one in.
The rest of the day basically went as planned. We had some kids crawl into bed with us before we woke up, but we managed to shoo them downstairs to get breakfast while we “got dressed”. We did break the rules at bit after lunch where we chased an orgasm for my wife for a bit. But, no one had any complaints.
Orgasms are great, and each spouse should have as many orgasms as he or she wants, but sex is about more than orgasms. Sex is critical for intimacy, bonding, and vulnerability, but it’s also fun and playful. Sneaking away from your responsibilities several times a day to have a 5-minute quickie sounds like a lot of fun, and could even make for an interesting game or challenge in the right circumstances.
So how can you prepare for the best possible day of sex?
- Plan. Talk with your spouse and make a general plan. You don’t need to set sex alarms on your phone (unless you’re up for the challenge), but communicate and set expectations.
- Lube. If you need some, get it ready. Alternatively you can use your mouth, which would be more fun.
- Hygiene. Frequent quickies may not be great if you’re sweaty or gross. All-day sex may not be the best plan if you’re going to be doing a lot of yard work! Plan to wash up a bit if necessary before each quickie — baby wipes are awesome.
- Cleanup. Put a washcloth or baby wipes in your pocket to help with cleanup.
- Scout ahead. If you’re at home you can just go to your bedroom, but if you’re elsewhere keep your eyes open for appropriate locations and opportunities.
- Intimacy. Put some effort into creating intimacy. Hold hands, kiss, and look into each others’ eyes.
- Husbands, conserve your energy. You need to give your wife an orgasm at the end of the day, so don’t spend all your potency on the quickies!
- Have fun! Don’t be too focused on achieving a goal, focus on having fun with your spouse.
Since Sexy Corte and I are working from home these days we’re going to give this thing a try very soon and report back. Please leave some comments if you have any suggestions or tips!
Sounds great, is it to completion everytime for the Male? Or just multiple times and stop before completion?
Well… if either spouse can orgasm six times in one day in five minute sessions, then go for it! But realistically… probably not :) For the husband, I’d say that it’s important to conserve your strength throughout the day so that you’re able to satisfy your wife when she’s ready for her orgasm(s).
Gotcha, have sex with no completion multiple times.
Couple of thoughts
1. Know your refractory periods. How long the refractory period is for both spouses will help determine whether or not the couple wants to pursue multiple O’s during the day.
2. Cleanup. In addition to the washcloth mentioned in the article it might also be a good idea to have some feminine pads handy. The combination of the wife’s natural lubrication with artificial lube and possibly semen may require some “extra protection” for the wife to comfortably go about afterwards.
3. Play around fully clothed. Kiss, fondle, and grind against each other in between the quickies. Keep the engine running.
Is a ‘no orgasm quickie’ just no orgasm fir the wife or how do men have sex without ejaculating?
I think it’s pretty simple–stop stimulation before ejaculating. I realize that this can be tough when one is younger though. However, the point of this activity is to “keep the fires stoked all day” for both people.
From what I’ve read on similar activities in the past, many people follow the rule that the wife can O during any session, but the husband should not. This is because many/most women have much shorter refractory times than men do.