I’m a bit skeptical, but new mother Emily Street says that she had a three-week-long orgasm after giving birth to her fourth child.

Emily even likens her astonishing “euphoria” during childbirth to the intense hormones generated through orgasm — which lasted for three weeks.

Emily, who has three other children — Ernie, 7, Roo, 5, and 3-year-old Pip — added: “The euphoria that I felt after the births was very, very close to an orgasm sensation, which lasted for three or four weeks as opposed to something that’s very intense for a short amount of time.

“From my point of view, I’m happy with that.”

Or maybe it was just “very, very” much like an orgasm! Anyway, I’m not sure how to apply this in your marriage. It seems like a three-week-long orgasm would be exhausting and troublesome, but Mrs. Street seems pleased.

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Pregnancy is a special and fleeting time — although I remember while I was pregnant I felt like it would last forever! Looking back I can better appreciate how short a chapter of my life it was. During pregnancy, there are a lot of ups and downs in your sex life, and each trimester needs it’s own adjustments to keep a happy sexy time. Then after baby is born, there are even more adjustments to be made!

1st Trimester

  • When you find out that you and your spouse have made a life together, it is an incredibly intimate feeling. I felt connected to EF in a way I never had before. We shared something together that is at the most primal level of humanity, and that feeling extended into our sex.
  • Shortly after you become pregnant you start to realize that you won’t have your period for a while. This was one of my favorite parts!
  • Also shortly after you become pregnant, the hormones really kick in. For me, this is when I really started to pay attention to how I felt at different times of day. I was fortunate to not feel sick all day. Each pregnancy was different, but with each one there was a time of day that worked best for sex. So that is when we had sex! If you can be flexible and communicate you should be able to maintain an enjoyable sex life even through the more unpleasant parts of pregnancy.
  • Enjoy all the positions that you like, you aren’t really limited by your size.

2nd Trimester

  • Ah, the golden trimester for sex. El Fury loved this trimester. My libido was so high, I think I wore him out! Have sex as much as you can in this trimester.
  • For most of this trimester different positions are still comfortable. We tried to enjoy the Jockey position because we knew soon we wouldn’t be able to do it that way.
  • There isn’t a whole lot to say on this trimester, except have lots of sex and enjoy it!

3rd Trimester

  • Sex gets a little challenging during these few months. This is where I felt like I would be pregnant forever. Husbands, encourage your wives as much as you can during these months. I was super crabby the last two months of pregnancy and needed all the encouragement I could get!
  • Exercise if you are able. At this point I was only able to walk, and I think my level of activity made sex more enjoyable.
  • During this trimester we were pretty much limited sex to two positions: me on top and spooning. Sex while spooning is very comfortable when you are pregnant. The last month especially this was my favorite way to have sex. If you are unfamiliar with this position, it is exactly as it sounds: having sex while the husband spoons the wife.
  • Although it can be difficult, try to enjoy sex because after baby is born most people have to wait a little while until your body is recovered.


  • The first time you have sex after baby is born is pretty monumental. You haven’t had sex for a while, so both of you are pretty worked up. For the wife, it is also pretty scary (at least for me it was). Go slow and spend a lot of time on foreplay. When the husband is entering the wife, go especially slow and make sure she doesn’t have any pain through the process. EF was so gentle, and it meant the world to me that I could trust him in that way.
  • This is yet another time that you have to notice what time of day you want to have sex. Then have sex at that time! This can change rapidly, so listen to your body and embrace it when you want to have sex. Those first few months after our babies were born we had sex at all hours of the day. There were times I would come in from feeding in the middle of the night and be ready to go. EF was flexible enough that he didn’t mind waking up in the middle of the night.
  • Boob sensitivity. Before having kids, my boobs weren’t really an exciting area for me. For EF they were, but I didn’t get much pleasure out of them. I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this, but after having babies and breastfeeding, by boobs became much more sensitive. Now I get very turned on when EF touches me there.

I love looking back and remembering our experience of pregnancy and childbirth together. EF was the only person I wanted to have in that room with me. Going through all that together brought our relationship to a new level of intimacy. I love sharing this journey with him. There are times I feel like our kids are absolutely crazy, and I can look up and catch his eye. We give each other a knowing smile. He is the only person in the world that can understand our life together, and what we’ve been through with adding these little lives to our world: their quirkiness, and the intense love we have for them. Then, when those crazy moments have turned to quiet moments after they go to bed (or in the morning before they wake up), it’s amazing to look into those same eyes while we make love. That, I believe, is how God wanted us to experience this great gift of sex and intimacy.

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Are you pregnant and suffering with morning sickness? Great news! Swallowing your husband’s semen will cure your nausea! Well, maybe… but better safe than sorry, I always say.

So what does Gallup say is the real culprit behind nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy? Semen. More specifically, unfamiliar semen. To understand where he’s coming from, we need to think back to the maternal immune system’s response to the fetus. Because half of the DNA the fetus is carrying comes from the father, the mother’s body may initially treat the organism as foreign tissue or an infection. This response, Gallup says, triggers an immune reaction that is commonly experienced as nausea, vomiting, and malaise (aka morning sickness). The best cure for this type of sickness, says Gallup, is, strangely enough, the same thing as its cause. The more exposure a woman has to her partner’s semen—that is to say, the more often she’s inseminated prior to conception and during the early stages of the pregnancy—the more tolerance her body develops to his genetic material. This tolerance generalizes to a tolerance for the fetus and leads to successful maternal immunosuppression—and subsequently allows her to feel less like an infected zombie with serious stomach troubles.

Swallowing your husband’s semen also appears to reduce the risk of preeclampsia.

Normal pregnancy is thought to be associated with a state of tolerance to the foreign antigens of the fetus, whereas in preeclamptic women this immunological tolerance might be hampered. The present study shows that oral sex and swallowing sperm is correlated with a diminished occurrence of preeclampsia which fits in the existing idea that a paternal factor is involved in the occurrence of preeclampsia.

So, dear readers: go do some research and report back.

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Everyone knows that spooning leads to forking, and sometimes it’s a comfy, intimate after-party. However, spooning can also be a great position for sex all by itself Here are a few tips to make it work.

  • Get naked. Nothing feels better than skin-on-skin along the whole length of your naked bodies.
  • Slide down. Usually the husband is the “big spoon” in back. Unless you’re foot taller than your wife you will need to slide your body down towards her feet and put her butt against your stomach to enable optimal penetration. In the normal cuddling position her girly bits are likely to be too low for thrusting.
  • Superfluous arm. The worst part about spooning is that darn superfluous arm that gets pinned against the bed! Basically there are two options: bring it up under your head, or wrap it around your wife’s body under her arm. Either way can work. Personally, I like to…
  • Cop a feel. When I’m spooning Sexy Corte I always grab a boob or two, even when we’re just cuddling. It’s super-intimate, and it’s just comfy for my hand. If we’re having sex in this position I may wrap my other arm around beneath her to grab both.
  • Take it easy. Spooning sex isn’t about going fast or hard, it’s about relaxation, intimacy, and comfort. Be lazy. Move slowly. Luxuriate in the feel of naked skin against you. Maximize contact along your bodies, from head to toe.
  • Petting. Don’t just cop a feel! Husbands, let your hands wander along the side and front of your wife’s body. Lick and kiss her neck and upper back — this is sure to make her purr.
  • Reach around. Spooning sex doesn’t naturally provide much/any clitoral stimulation for the wife, but if that’s desired the husband can reach around and use his hand or a vibrator.
  • Third trimester. Spooning can be a great position for sex when the wife is in her third trimester. Her belly can be easily supported by the bed or a pillow, and there isn’t a lot of movement to strain her.

So there you have it, spoon in good health! Do you have any great spooning tips to share?

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