A few questions from the mail bag.

Husband “TT” asks:

I am a 73 years old man, and my wife is 64. We have been married 8 years; my previous wife died of cancer, and my wife is divorced. Our first few years of marriage we had a great sexual relationship. We were sexually active and, in my opinion, especially so for our age. Unfortunately, we are now down to having about once per month, if that often. I recently read that sex therapists consider 10 times or less per year is a “sexless marriage” so we are in the range of now having a “sexless marriage”.

In the next two weeks, we are planning a three-day weekend retreat to review 2021 and plan for 2022 and beyond. We have periodically had retreats like this and have found them very beneficial as a couple. This year I am adding a discussion of our sexual relationship to the agenda to being this issue to the forefront for us to talk about.

With all of this as “background” information this leads me to why I am writing you.

To revitalize our sexual relationship plus, and very importantly, fulfill a many years’ fantasy of mine, at our retreat my desire is to ask my wife to do a special role play with me. The role play is for her to dominate me, i.e., for me to be submissive to her, both sexually and otherwise for a period of time (maybe a week?).

My questions for you are:
1. Am I undermining myself as the leader of our home and marriage?
2. Is being dominated by my wife an un-Christian act even as a role play for a short period of time?
3. Is there better terminology than dominate and submissive that I can use that might be less of a turn-off for her?
4. Have you ever heard of other husbands wanting this?
5. Am I being selfish asking this of my wife?

Sexy Corte responded:

I am sure that you are not alone in your desire/fantasy! El Fury and I believe that if both spouses are willing, and the act is between the husband and wife only, then it is allowed in the marriage (see: Can we *BLANK*?). I don’t believe that you are undermining your role as a husband, or that it is un-Christian. However, I would advise against anything that would violate your conscience, or the conscience of your wife. It sounds like you already plan on communicating with your wife. God gave us a lot of freedom within the boundaries of marriage, and our belief is that sex that brings intimacy is honoring to marriage and to God.

Let us know how it goes!

To which “TT” replied:

Thank you for your comments/words of support to my situation.  It would have been very easy for you to have just “shut me down” and/or rebuked me for my different desires.

Let me bring you update as to what happened when I proposed this on our retreat weekend.  First, yes, I did propose the idea to my wife as a “role-play”; in other words, I didn’t wimp out and not say anything.  I had not mentioned in my email that she has an acting background; consequently, she has previously enjoyed acting out a sexy scenario and always put a lot of energy into her particular role.  And, always with wonderful results.  This time, she didn’t shy away from my proposal but neither did she embrace it. She agreed to try it and we started on a Saturday morning and ended on Sunday afternoon.  It was easy for her to be demanding/controlling; it fit her basic personality.  I was obedient and did what I was instructed to do; always answering her “Yes, ma’am”.  The commands ranged from making the bed to helping cook dinner.  For me it was extremely exotic to be obedient to her and, when we made love on Sunday night, it was beyond wonderful. However, her only comment was “this is a little weird”.

Since it ended neither of us have mentioned it, but I plan to propose it again soon.

Good for “TT” and his wife for trying something “a little weird” and having fun.

Husband “RC” writes:

I find bondage with tickling very arousing. My wife, like most people, hates being tickled. I also hate being tickled, however as my wife and I have explored bondage more over the past year, she now finds tying me up and tickling me quite arousing.

This is both good and bad as you can imagine.

Have you guys ever explored this sort of thing? What was the result? If it was something your spouse didn’t want to do, but you were none the less highly aroused by it, would you just give up and stop asking because you already know it’s not pleasant for her/him?

As a Christian I’ve always felt kind of ashamed and a bit of a weirdo for wanting to try this.

To which El Fury replied:

Sexy Corte hates being tickled. I enjoy tickling but not being tickled. So… this isn’t something we’ve tried, but I’d like to tie Sexy Corte up and tickle her if she’d let me.

The next two emails are some husbands with questions about doggy style. Husband “JA” writes:

My question is spurred by your Christmas Eve sex post. We’ve not really been successful in the dozen or so attempts of “from behind” positions over the years. When my wife starts on all fours she eventually drops her hips and ends up more prone as she says the angle isn’t right. I’ve not pushed it (nor do I intend to now), but she recently was open to trying with the liberator ramp and wedge we have.

Some possible complicating factors include our height difference (I’m of average American male height and she’s about 5′-0″) and my erection angle/inflexibility. When I’m erect, my penis is about 15-20° from my belly (which is relatively vertical, I’m not overweight). At about straight out it becomes uncomfortable and would certainly exert some vertical force if we managed to get into the position.

Do you have any tips to ease into doggy style? Do you notice a certain part of her cycle is better for behind positions? My wife certainly prefers on top before ovulation and me on top after ovulation.

With a similar question, Husband “GS” writes:

I have a practical question for you, sir: I have a very straight-up and firm erection with some ability to bend back down but not a lot, probably a little less than 45 degrees back down. Obviously, this does have its benefits because of the firmness, and I believe it has been a part of helping my wife have orgasms probably 95% of the time throughout our marriage. But, it’s not too flexible. My wife and I usually do positions that are parallel, slight variations of missionary and also she on top facing me, which are all totally fine. She has an amazing behind, but with my erection angle (and average penis length), it’s difficult to enter her from behind. Are there any other positions, types of positions, or any tips you would recommend for intercourse with my angle and firmness? (This would be advice about intercourse, not alternatives like oral.)

To these emails El Fury replied:

We have written quite a bit about doggy style position, so I suggest you start with some of these posts. Given your anatomy, your wife may need to hold herself more upright in order to make doggy style work for you. There are lot of other rear-entry variations that you may enjoy, and it sounds like jockey position might be well-suited for you.

You should also check out this post about arching your back — but you’ll want your wife to round her back rather than arching it, in order to put her vagina at a more comfortable angle for you.

Because of the depth of penetration with doggy style, Sexy Corte prefers to move into this position after she has an orgasm. Some people don’t realize this, but vaginas elongate during arousal; deep penetration will be more comfortable the more aroused the wife is.

“GS” continued with some wonderful aspirations his sex life with his wife.

On another note, I recently discovered your podcast and site because, at 39 and after fourteen years of marriage (on January 5 this year), I want to pour into the parts of my life that are the most meaningful instead of superfluous things, and at the top of my list is me and my wife’s sex life: to deepen it, to be adventurous, to be a student of her body, to help make it our favorite hobby, and to finally be bold in talking about the sex we have. (E.g. I absolutely love using our hands, but we’ve only ever done that once to orgasm.) We haven’t been open very often over the years; I lack confidence in asserting my suggestions, and she’s the kind of woman who enjoys predictability. Our sex has been extremely good and has gotten better with age, but, like with my wife’s personality, it’s predictable (even as much as I enjoy it 99.99% of the time).

Last week, I told her that I’d love to finally talk more openly about our sex life, and she was excited and totally on board! I’m hopeful that she wants to explore in ways that I do and be adventurous and attentive to each other’s bodies in ways that God designed them to be to enjoy sex on an intense level. We’re going to begin talking on our anniversary on Wednesday, so any prayers you and Sexy Corte can offer for a couple you’ve never interacted with, I would gladly accept! Prayers for a fun, relaxing, honest conversation where she feels desired by me (and me desired by her), that she understands I want to drive her crazy in a godly way, and that it’s a conversation we both want to continue as immediately as possible. (I will recommend this site to her, but I don’t think she’s comfortable with how explicit it is yet; a lot of the terminology and techniques aren’t in our sexy vocabulary. Perhaps over time! I’m thinking of suggesting the latest podcast episode as a great lead-in to the rest of the site.)

We definitely prayed for “GS” and his wife! We always pray for the people who write to us, and we’re always excited to hear about how God is working in the lives of our readers.

Please use the contact pages for Sexy Corte and El Fury to send us your questions. We will never reveal your name or any other identifying information.

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We first wrote about the jockey sex position over four years ago with lots of tips and tricks, and we’ve decided to write about it again because of a recent morning encounter that was especially intimate. Go read the earlier post for foundational information — we’re not going to repeat it all in this post.

People usually don’t think of rear-entry positions as being particularly intimate, with doggy style as the most notable example. Some wives feel that doggy style makes them feel disconnected or distant from their husband because of the limited touch and eye contact. Some wives also hesitate to embrace doggy style because the position makes them feel more vulnerable or submissive than they’re ready for. If you or your wife are feeling that way, then jockey position might be a great thing to try — it’s fun in its own way, and it could be a stepping stone towards doggy style.

If you aren’t familiar with jockey position, here’s a diagram from ChristianFriendlySexPositions.com that they call “flatiron”. They don’t have the jockey position in their database, but it’s the same as flatiron minus the pillow under the wife’s hips. (But feel free to use a pillow, it’s great.)

Jockey has a lot more skin contact than doggy style even though it isn’t face-to-face, and it’s wonderfully easy to hold hands in this position. Like all rear entry positions, jockey is probably best used after the wife has an orgasm or when she doesn’t want one. Sexy Corte has had an orgasm in this position (with a bullet vibrator), but jockey isn’t the best position for this.

Sexy Corte and I use jockey very frequently when she isn’t in the mood for an orgasm. What made this instance particularly memorable was the time I spent touching rather than thrusting. After entering her, instead of lying right down on her back I spent a while kneeling upright, rubbing and kissing all over her body. I love her butt, so this was a great opportunity to squeeze and spank her and the view was awesome. I kissed all over her back, shoulders, and neck, and rubbed her up and down from her hands to her butt.

Even though Sexy Corte didn’t want an orgasm, she really enjoyed this intimate attention. It was certainly sexual (because I was inside her the whole time), but the touching didn’t stimulate her to frustration like rubbing her clitoris would (without an orgasm). I love petting and kissing Sexy Corte, and it gratified me to give her that intimate physical pleasure when she didn’t want an orgasm.

Sexy Corte adds: Jockey is great, especially if I don’t want to have an orgasm. I like it because it’s relaxed and snuggly. We frequently do this position in the mornings when we’re both sleepy, and it’s very comfy for me and I can enjoy El Fury’s closeness and warmth. I have been able to orgasm in this position but it can be tricky to get the vibrator in the right spot. Anytime El Fury focuses on petting me I become incapacitated, and I always love a good petting session when we can connect like this.

What are you favorite sex positions for snuggling? Wives, what positions to you most enjoy if you aren’t in the mood for an orgasm?

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We mentioned the Jockey position in an earlier post about variations on Doggy Style, but since this is one of our favorite go-to positions I thought it would be worthwhile saying a bit more about it.

First, what is the Jockey position? The basics are simple: the wife lays down on her stomach and the husband lays on top of her and enters her from behind. Beyond that, there are innumerable ways to experiment with the position.

  • Entry. If we’re starting with Jockey we’ll often use lube — the position is tight and has a lot of friction. Often we’ll move into Jockey after starting with something else, and then lube isn’t required. For easiest entry, the husband can kneel while wife lifts her hips, then they can lower themselves into a lying position after he’s inside.
  • Legs. There are two ways you can position your legs: her legs closed and his outside, or her legs open and his inside. The wife will probably have to spread her legs at least a little to facilitate entry, but after that we generally prefer for her legs to be closed and her knees and feet together. Then the husband can surround the wife’s legs with his, which creates a very intimate whole-body embrace as well as a very tight penetration.
  • Arms. There are at least three positions that you can use for the wife’s arms, and the husband’s arms will follow. (1) The wife can lay her arms straight down the length of her body and lay her face on the mattress (probably no head pillow in this position). (2) The wife can bend her arms at the elbows, tuck her elbows into her sides, and put her hands under her shoulders. (3) The wife can put her arms above her head in a diamond-like shape. With positions (1) and (2) the husband can wrap his arms around the wife and completely envelop her body. With option (3), the husband can tuck his arms under his wife’s, lay on her back, and hold her hands above their heads.
  • Pillow. Putting a pillow under the wife’s hips will elevate her lady bits, making entry easier and increasing the depth of penetration. The pillow also gives the wife something to push against, helping her to move a little in what is otherwise a fairly passive position for her. The wife can push up with her hips, wiggle from side to side, and squeeze her pelvic muscles — and moan with pleasure!
  • Kissing. Jockey is a great position for him to smother her with kisses! The husband can easily kiss the wife’s face, ears, shoulders, neck, and back, and Sexy Corte really enjoys it when I kiss down between her shoulder blades.
  • Spanking. As with all rear entry positions, Jockey is great for giving the wife a little spank on her butt! (Until the husband lays down, of course.)

Great things about Jockey:

  • Intimacy. This position really lets the husband surround the wife from every direction. You can hold hands, hug, and kiss. It’s a great position for warming up on a cold night. You can snuggle in this position for as long as you want, and even fall asleep after sex without getting up.
  • Tightness. Like other variations on Doggy Style, Jockey is a pretty tight position — especially if the wife keeps her legs together.
  • Comfort. Jockey is a pretty relaxed position that doesn’t require too much energy — perfect for early mornings or late nights.

Potential downsides:

  • Her orgasm. Jockey is a difficult position for a wife to reach orgasm. The position does allow the husband to stimulate the wife’s anterior vaginal wall and g-spot with downward thrusts, but there is very little clitoral stimulation. When Sexy Corte wants an orgasm we always make sure to do it before going to Jockey.
  • Depth. The geometry of Jockey leads to shallow penetration — less depth than Missionary, and much less than basic Doggy Style. Depth can be improved by putting a pillow under the wife’s hips.
  • Too hot! With so much skin-to-skin contact, Jockey may not be the best position for the hottest days of summer! Throw off those sheets and turn on a fan before you start.

What do you think about the Jockey position? Got any tips to share? Leave a comment!

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Doggy style — or “rear entry”, or sometimes “doggie style” — is one of the most popular and common sexual positions. According to Jay Dee’s (unscientific) reader survey of sexual positions doggy style is basically tied as one of the top three positions along with missionary (basic man-on-top) and cowgirl (basic woman-on-top). In fact, wives as a group appear to prefer doggy style to cowgirl!

Doggy style has a few distinctive benefits that make it a fun part of your repertoire:

  • DepthDoggy style is the best position for maximum penetration. Depth feels awesome for the husband, but make sure to take things slowly so the wife is comfortable. The penis will tend to rub most strongly against the posterior wall of the vagina, which creates a different sensation for the wife than in a face-to-face position.
  • Dominance. Doggy style is a dominant position for the husband, and it makes him feel like a king; a wife who enjoys a submissive posture will like the position for the same reason.
  • Tightness. Depending on the variation used (see more below), doggy style can provide a very tight experience for husband and wife. Another reason to take it slow.
  • Visual. For a husband who likes his wife’s butt the view is amazing, second perhaps only to reverse cowgirl.
  • Comfort. Studies show that doggy style can be one of the safest and most comfortable sexual positions for men with back pain.
  • Bonus activities. Doggy style also enables a few bonus activities such as spankinghip grabbing, and back and butt massage. The wife or husband can also reach underneath to play with the wife’s clit or the husband’s balls.

So what kind of variations are there?

  • Standard doggy style. The wife gets down on her hands and knees and the husband enters her from behind, either standing or kneeling. All the variations build on this basic configuration.
  • Leapfrog. Instead of being on her hands, the wife rests on her forearms, or elbows, or lowers her head to the floor. This variation changes the angle of penetration and increases tightness.
  • Arms restrained. Similar to leapfrog, but the wife’s arms are pulled up behind her back, creating an even more submissive posture. The husband can hold her hands (increasing intimacy) or her hands can be bound.
  • Jockey. The wife lays down on her stomach, possibly with a pillow under her hips for positioning; the husband lays on top of her and enters from behind. Jockey could be considered its own position rather than a variation on doggy style, but it’s part of the same family. Penetration won’t be nearly as deep as with standard doggy style, but there’s a ton of skin-to-skin contact which feels awesome, and lots of tightness if the wife keeps her legs together.
  • Over the Desk. This variation has the wife standing up and bent over a desk (or couch, or rock, or tree, or whatever). Perfect for times when you can’t get naked (like in public places).
  • The Magic Corner. The wife straddles and bends over the corner of the bed, supporting her weight. She can stimulating her clitoris with the surface of the bed, her hands, or a vibrator.

Here are some tips for making the most of doggy style.

  • Take it slow. As I mentioned above, take it slow! Doggy style is best and most comfortable when the wife is very aroused. When Sexy Corte and I use doggy style it generally isn’t our first position (unless its the jockey variant). Doggy style makes a great finisher (for him), so warm up, get the wife’s orgasm, and then move to doggy style.
  • Wife’s legs. When the wife keeps her legs together it increases tightness, which is pleasurable for both partners. However, the wife can have more movement and control of height and angle if she spreads her legs and the husband positions himself between them. In the standing variation, the wife can even cross her legs at the knees or ankles.
  • Arch your back. When the wife arches her back (pushing her tummy down) she improves the angle for her husband as well as gives him a great view.
  • Pillow support. Many of the variations can incorporate positioning pillows for support and leverage. Using a pillow will help you prevent unwanted motion and make the position more stable for both spouses.
  • Vibrator. Doggy style isn’t the best orgasm position for wives, but you can use a vibrator to assist.

So there you have it! Do you have any doggy style tips to share? Any variations that we missed? Please leave a comment!

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