When I look at the New Testament, and Paul’s letters, I notice a common theme. He writes frequently that there are divisions in the church. Divisions. Among the brothers and sisters of Christ. How relevant is this for us today? When I consider the American church, “divisions” definitely comes to mind. We are so eager to point to what is wrong, and who should be right. It doesn’t take long in reading the news to notice that there are a lot of issues our country and our world face. When the rest of our country looks at us, I’m sure they know what we stand against. We try desperately to hold the world to our standards. We expect the dark to act like the light. Rather, instead of pointing out what they are doing wrong, why don’t we point them elsewhere? Jesus. That’s it. Instead of trying to change the behavior of our society, we should try to be changing their hearts through the saving power of the Gospel. When you consider that Christ, who is God, stepped out of heaven, came here and lived a perfect life, then died a horrible and brutal death on the cross so that we might be reconciled to God and have the hope of eternal life, there is nothing else that we should be pointing at!

It starts at home. Love your spouse. Love your children. Branch out from there. Love your church, and your community. Jesus said people would know we are his disciples by our love for one another (John 13:35). Instead of trying to make a point, or prove that you are right, humble yourself, let go of your preferences and love God by loving people. Be so focused on Jesus that people see nothing else.

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I just read the book Kiss Me Like You Mean It: Solomon’s Crazy In Love How-To ManualĀ by Dr. David Clarke. In it he asks a question about “the source of passion in marriage?” The answer is God! God created marriage and even created sex. He wants us to have passion in our marriages! Clarke gives four “passion principles” for spouses to keep God at the center of their marriage.

  1. Come to Christ – Knowing Jesus is the most important thing a person can do. You need Christ as your foundation in order to be able to share him as a couple.
  2. Share Your Personal Spiritual Growth – Talk about what God is doing in your life. Ask each other what you are learning, how you are growing. Read scripture and discuss it. Your spouse should be your best accountability partner.
  3. Pray Together – And not just at meal times. Hold hands and pray out loud. Pray for each other. El Fury always asks me before we go to bed how he can pray for me. It’s such a blessing to know that I always have someone praying for me.
  4. Read the Bible Together – Reading Scripture and discussing it together is an amazing experience. I learn a lot from El Fury. And when we don’t know the answer to something, it’s fun to look it up together.

To have a spiritual bond is incredibly intimate. This is how God designed marriage. Closeness with Him leads to closeness with each other, which means more passion! Passion is what fuels the fire of great sex and great intimacy.

I think Clarke’s Passion Principles are really refreshing compared to a lot of marriage books I have read. Rather than relying on methodology on how to communicate better, resolve conflict, etc. he cuts to the core of your relationship. More Christ. God desires to be intimate with you and your marriage.

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