Here’s a fun game for you and your spouse : one spouse (the Storyteller) tells a naughty story while the other spouse (the Distractor) attempts to distract the Storyteller sexually.
Step 1: Decide who is the first Storyteller. Sock wrestle if you can’t decide some other way.
Step 2: Print out the roll-all-the-dice naughty story table and grab some dice. Alternatively, pull up the naughty story generator on your mobile device.
Step 3: The Storyteller either rolls the dice or loads the story generator to get her challenge. Start telling the story — make it naughty and coherent.
Step 4: The Distractor uses his mouth, tongue, hands, fingers, or sexy movements to distract the Storyteller from her task. Advanced mode: every time the Storyteller says “uhhhh” or stalls she gets a swat on the butt.
Step 5: When the story is done, swap roles. Repeat until you give up and have sex.
It’s a simple game that adds a little challenge to your encounter with your spouse. Let us know how it goes for you!