Sex Under the Stars

Sexy Corte and I just had an awesome experience: sex outside at night under the Perseid Meteor Shower. We were watching the meteors with the kids for a while, but eventually they went inside for bed and we were left alone on a blanket under the stars. We had two firsts: first time to be completely naked outside, and first time for Sexy Corte to have an orgasm outside! It was amazing. What will always stick with me is the image of my lovely wife on top of me, silhouetted against the starry sky, with meteors flashing around her naked body as she climaxed.

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  1. Wow! Talk about a moment to treasure between husband and wife! Keep inspiring us to enjoy sex more the way God intended! BLESSINGS!!!

  2. I’ve wanted that for years but wife is soooo afraid of everything. So I’ve given up on anything out of ordinary.

    1. Maybe you just need to find a place that’s remote enough? It’s worth driving a few hours!

      I’ve also read that a boat that’s out-of-sight of land can be fun.

    1. The mosquitoes here come out mostly around sunrise and sunset. This encounter was well after midnight, and there weren’t any bugs then!

  3. Wow. That sounds awesome! So happy for you guys.

    Making love under the stars is a dream of mine. Hopefully one day it will come true.

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