Some Less Explicit Links You Can Share With Your Friends

Did you know that the world’s top ten websites attract more than 60% of all internet traffic, and that the share of readers captured by the top 1,000 sites is growing every month while other websites shrink?

I mention these oh-so-exciting statistics because it really means a lot to us when our readers share our site with their friends. We don’t run ads to attract new readers, and we don’t have ads here on our site. We link to lots of other blogs but we get very few links in return (please tell us if you link to us!). We don’t sell anything or partner with affiliates; we don’t want your money. We don’t want fame or recognition, which is why we’re pseudonymous.

Our only purpose with this blog is to glorify God by edifying marriage and encouraging married couples to have awesome sex. Sexy Corte and I view this website as one of our primary ministries. By God’s grace we’ve reached way over 4 million people — thousands per day — and we’ve personally helped many hundreds of readers.

The only way we can reach new people is for you to share our site. Search engines send people looking for advice on sex and marriage to the same ten or hundred places every time, and they aren’t Christian resources.

We understand that sharing a sex site with your friends might be awkward! Here are a few links you can share that aren’t as explicit as most of our site.

Thanks for reading this far! We hope our blog and podcast are a blessing to your marriage.

If you liked this, please share it!


  1. I appreciate the work the two of you do, I appreciate your views about the holiness and goodness of married sex and your willingness to address so, so much that is not addressed healthily in very many places. And I appreciate the obvious fact that you do it solely as a ministry and that you make it fun, interesting, and inspirational. While I still appreciate those who have monetized their effort, no one can doubt your motivation. I miss Awaken-Love for many of the same reasons. I hope Ruth is doing well.

  2. One more thing. I think I understand why others don’t link to your blog very often. I don’t think you should take it personally or as rejection. For the most part, they don’t do what you do. Keep doing what you’re doing, let them do what they do.
    Another thought: I hope that as the two of you age, which you will, and things change, and they will, I hope you’ll keep right on blogging about all of it. When one of you isn’t as interested in sex or blogging about sex as you seem to be now, just put that out there too. Let the church see real.
    One more thought: I think sex is the only thing in the entire universe where smart people teach others by telling them how not to do it. Can you imagine going to baseball practice and learning what not to do? You, on the other hand, are just “not smart” enough to actually share with the rest of us how to do something that is really, really important and valuable instead of telling us how not to do it!

    1. Again, thanks for the kind words.

      We don’t feel rejected to not be linked to. Because of how the internet and search engines work, it does make it hard for us to reach people if no one shares or links to us :) We like to think that the reluctance is because of the nature of our content and not the *quality* of our content. If we were in this for money or fame we would definitely have changed our approach by now.

      I think sex is the only thing in the entire universe where smart people teach others by telling them how not to do it.

      That’s such a great observation. We’ll have to write a post about it! Sex is with your spouse should be private but not shameful.

  3. It’s me again. One more thought about sources for inspiration for your writing. Are you familiar with author Christopher West? He is the translator of Pope John Paul II “the theology of the body” and his life mission is to make the Pope’s work accessible to a large audience. Check out West’s latest book “our bodies tell gods story.” Keep up the great work.

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