Follow-Up: First-Time Wedding Night Sex

A couple of weeks ago reader KL wrote to ask for some tips for his wedding night, and now he writes back with great news:


Wedding night happened and it was awesome! We took your advice and decided to really focus on foreplay for most of the late evening before going for it. Showering together after the reception was a plus as well. We went with the standard missionary and I came in about 30 seconds, but we laughed and had a great night falling asleep afterwards. Since then we’ve had sex about 4 or 5 times but it’s been difficult for me to get all the way in. She says she’s having some pain during intercourse so we’re still working on that. Thanks for your advice!
Congratulations to the newlyweds! We pray that they have many decades of awesome sex ahead of them.
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  1. Also I would say to make sure that they are using plenty of lube. It is okay to use it and help with the pain…. It has helped us so much over the years

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