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Spin-the-Bottle For Sweets and Pleasure

You probably haven’t played spin-the-bottle since you got married… what’s the point in spinning when there’s only one other person? Well, here’s a simple twist that’ll make dessert time even sweeter.

  1. Sit on the floor across from your spouse.
  2. Arrange a few treats in a circle with the two of you, as if they were people playing spin-the-bottle with you.
  3. Put a bottle in the middle of the circle and take turns spinning.
  4. When the bottle stops, put whatever it’s pointing to in your mouth. Savor your treat!
  5. Keep spinning until the treats are gone, or you get too distracted to continue.

There are a million ways you can vary the game.

Do you have any other ideas for treats? Leave a comment!

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