This post is also available as a podcast: Podcast #005: Yes, You Should Swallow
For several years that most popular post on our site has been “Yes, You Should Swallow”. It is the most-viewed individual post, and even though it’s old it still attracts a lot of comments. Since most readers probably don’t read comments to old posts, I thought I’d share a few of the best comments here on the front page (all from wives).
Bonnie from Love, Marriage and Sex left the first comment:
Thanks for the reference! Great post and nice to hear from the male perspective. Definitely agree that wives should try to learn to enjoy swallowing during oral sex.
I swallow and absolutely love it and would encourage those wives reading this who are leary of it to keep going. Yes, it took a while to get used to. But the intimacy it creates with my husband is beyond spectacular and it is something he loves doing seeing the expression on his face is indescribable. I got used to it by him finishing on my face and after a while I was able to taste it on my lips then I started letting him finish in my mouth. That is all… Jen
Michelle agrees with Jen’s approach:
Just to piggie back on Jen’s posting. Getting a facial from my husband is more of a benefit for both of us. I don’t really like the taste of semen and don’t like it in my mouth. My husband finds it quite a turn on when I let him finish on my face during oral sex. I usually am the one finishing him either with my mouth or with a hand job. My husband loves watching himself drip down my face and chin. I am ok with it and don’t have to take it in my mouth. Good for those couples who enjoy this…
Mia takes pleasure in giving pleasure:
Not sure about most women, but I sure enjoy swallowing! For me I feel like I am doing an incomplete job to my husband if I can’t finish him in my mouth! I am used to the taste, as it is something you need to get used to. If I don’t finish my husband during oral to me that is like having intercourse and not having my hubby finish… That pleases me the most is knowing I made him do that!
Nicole says swallowing is an acquired taste:
I absolutely love swallowing! My husband loves seeing his semen drip out of my mouth and drip down my chin. I must say though it is definitely an acquired taste and may be hard to get used to.
But not every wife likes the post…
Emma really doesn’t like semen:
I’ve attempted swallowing on several occasions. And ended up vomiting every single time. Thankfully we were in the shower each time.
Most women don’t find the taste enjoyable and only do it to please their husband. I find oral in general unbearable, and the thought of swallowing makes me physically ill.
Then again, I dislike sexual fluids in general and refuse to have sex without a condom.
This entire article is absurd in so many aspects that I don’t know where to start.
Ellie doesn’t seem to like sex much at all:
Yeah, not for me…
The five times I’ve chosen to suck my husbands semen depositor, I vomit, once all over him. Yes, I’ve ‘worked on’ my gag reflex to no avail, and the nausea tends to stick with me for hours afterwards. No swallowing or deep sucking for me!! It’s not a wifely duty…sex is not required of women. If a man can’t respect his wife saying ‘no’ then he has problems. Plus sex is ridiculous, ugly and gross, pregnancy is disgusting and children and creepy.
Here are a few others posts on the topic of swallowing:
- Sex and Oxytocin Help You Stay Slim and Happy
- “He was thrilled!” — Swallowing and Enjoying It
- Q&A: How Do I Get My Wife to Swallow and Enjoy It?
- Stimulate Both Spouses While One Is Performing Oral
- Swallowing Semen Cures Morning Sickness
- Sex Q&A: “Why would any husband want to do a pearl necklace?”
What do you think? If you leave a comment on this post people will definitely read it!