Husbands, now that you’re married you don’t “pick up” girls anymore, right? Well, your wife’s heart may flutter if you pick her up literally. Would you like your wife to react to you like Rachel does in this clip? (Starting at 0:55.)
If you’re both in reasonably good shape you should be a lot stronger than your wife and able to easily impress her with feats of strength — and few actions underscore your size difference more than lifting your wife off the ground. (Obviously your man-strength should only be used for good, to serve and protect your family, never for evil.) Here are a few ideas:
- Lift her legs up around your waist. When you’re standing up and kissing, bend down and lift her by the backs of her legs. Wrap her legs around your waist and hold her while you kiss. You can theoretically have sex in this position, but there’s a high risk of penis injury if she slips — so set her up on the counter.
- “Honeymoon” carry. Like in the stereotypical honeymoon, pick her up and cradle her with one arm behind her back and the other under her knees.
- Throw her onto the bed. Nothing says “it’s business time” like being tossed onto the bed.
- Throw her over your shoulder. If you’re carrying her very far this is the easiest way to do it (other than a fireman carry, which doesn’t seem very romantic). Great opportunity to spank her butt a few times.
- Piggy-back ride. Fun, but this generally requires her to actively climb aboard, rather than you picking her up.
- Squats. Again, she has to climb on, but your wife will probably be impressed when you do squats with her on your shoulders.
- Grab her by the hips. Not exactly lifting, but still a show of strength.
Most wives want a big, strong husband! You’ve got to be gentle and measured with your strength, but your wife will be probably like it if you show off a little. (And she may enjoy it if you’re a little rougher, but ask first and set expectations.)
If he picks me up, I’m gonna scream and then likely be to rowdy that he ends up dropping me. :D
Keelie Reason recently posted…What Are Things That Distract You During Sex?
Do you mean that you’d be surprised, or that you wouldn’t want to be picked up?
I appreciate the tip, but I’d like to point out that the link to the YouTube video with Rachel is broken.
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll see if I can update it with a correct link.