What Are We Going to Do For Foreplay Tonight?

Roll a six-sided die twice and consult the tables. Use the “Even” table is your first roll is even, and the “Odd” table if your first roll is odd.

First roll was odd:

  1. Make out
  2. Bath or shower together
  3. Spanking
  4. Undress each other (slowly!)
  5. Share a new fantasy with each other
  6. Use Foreplay result from sex adventure generator

First roll was even:

  1. Naked Marco Polo
  2. Sexy Adult Jenga
  3. Sock wrestling
  4. Strip poker or strip Uno
  5. Husband tells a naughty story while receiving a blow job
  6. Wife tells a naughty story while being eaten out
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1 comment

  1. If you can sexual push ups are a great way to flex your abs for her: Assume the standard pushup position you’d use if you were working out. Then have your partner slide underneath you.

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