It turns me on to think that after we have sex, Sexy Corte will be feeling it for the rest of the day. “Feeling it” can include a wide range of phenomena:
- Lingering arousal, her own wetness
- My fluids leaking out of her over time
- Mild(!) vaginal soreness
- Sore butt from spanking
- Muscle tiredness
- Jaw ache
- Just the thought of my semen inside her
As I write out this list, it strikes me that some of these after-effects may be unpleasant for my wife; I’m not sure what to make of that. We’ve written a bit about drawing on your spouse’s body and marking your territory, so maybe that’s part of it. It just turns me on to think that Sexy Corte’s body is constantly pulling her attention back to our recent sexual encounter. Like maybe she’s occasionally thinking throughout the day, “Man, he sure fucked me good.”
El Fury, your post really got me interested.
Are there any male physical and mental /emotional equivalents of female sexual consequences.? What do men feel in their bodies and minds after having sex.?
Looking forward to your answer.
Wow that’s a great question. I don’t know! I’ll think about it some more.