Role-Playing: Diana and Orion

This is pretty geeky, but here are some ideas for performing a sexual re-enactment of the myth of Diana and Orion. (Diana is also called Artemis and Selene.) There’s no definitive form of the myth, so feel free to improvise.

(If you haven’t read the how to do sexual role-playing post yet you might want to start there. Don’t worry… it’s normal to feel a little silly and awkward at first!)

Why it’s fun:

Costumes: Diana needs a crown and a bow-and-arrow — we used a nerf gun. Orion needs a belt and sword. We were otherwise naked, but you can add more clothing if you like.

Characters: The husband plays Orion and the shepherd Endymion; the wife plays Diana and the Pleiades (The Seven Sisters).

Setting: This scenario benefits from having enough space to run around, shoot, and hide! You may also want some blankets to lie on and hide under.

For our role-playing we included eight scenes. Each scene lasted three to five minutes, except the final scene which went longer.

Scene 1: Diana and Endymion. Endymion the shepherd lays on his back and sleeps while Diana kisses him. Diana will run away if Endymion (or any part of him!) wakes up, so he does his best to hold completely still.

Scene 2: Diana discovers Orion while hunting. Diana chases Orion and shoots at him with her bow-and-arrow, until she runs out of ammo.

Scene 3: Orion chases the Pleiades. When Diana runs out of ammo Orion turns on her and her companions, chasing them down. The Pleiades are forbidden to even look upon a man, so when Orion catches one she is punished with a spank. After all Seven Sisters are caught and spanked they flee into the night sky.

Scene 4: Diana and Orion fall in love. Diana is impressed by Orion’s prowess and admires him verbally and physically. Orion is overwhelmed by Diana’s beauty and hunting ability and praises her as well.

Scene 5: Diana and Orion hunt together. The couple hunts together, but they’re frequently forced hide from Diana’s brother Apollo who is searching for them. As they roam the forest they take cover in every possible hiding place and make love, but are always forced to flee by Apollo before their love can be fully satisfied. Orion narrowly escapes when Apollo finally catches them.

Scene 6: Apollo challenges Diana. Apollo challenges Diana to an archery contest, which she readily accepts because she is the greatest archer in the world. Apollo challenges her to hit a distant object bobbing in the ocean and she does so, without realizing until too late that the target is her beloved Orion who had gone for a swim.

Scene 7: Diana attempts to revive Orion. Diana uses every power at her disposal to attempt to awaken her lover Orion. Fortunately, her sexual abilities seem to get a response from him, but will it be enough?

Scene 8: Diana rides Orion into the sky. The only way to save Orion’s life is for Diana to ride him into the sky where they explode into stars. They live together forever in the sky, Diana the Moon and Orion the constellation.

Let us know if you try this, or think of a way to adapt another myth into a sexual experience!

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