Madonna’s “Into the Groove”

Our youngest daughter found a Madonna CD somewhere and has been playing “Into the Groove” non-stop. These lyrics haven’t changed since the first time our ancient ancestors banged two rocks together and danced around a fire.

Live out your fantasy here with me
Just let the music set you free
Touch my body, and move in time
Now I know you’re mine

These are the human ur-lyrics, if you will.

ur- : a combining form meaning “earliest, original,” used in words denoting the primal stage of a historical or cultural entity or phenomenon: ur-civilization; urtext.

The emotion, sentiment, desire, longing, and invitation behind these words are the reason why humans invented music. This music propagates the species.

The only music that can surpass this power is the hymn of glory that is eternally lifted to God in his heavenly throne room. This raw and deep embedding into the human condition is why Song of Solomon is written so sexually — not because God is sexual, but because human sexuality is one of the most primal forces that God has created in us.

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