One Simple Trick for Showering with Your Spouse

We’ve written about shower sex and the human loofah, but this post is focused on how to actually get clean while showering with your spouse.

If you’ve showered together then you probably know what can go wrong: you bump in to each other a lot, and you have to wait for access to the soap and water. Horrible! Sexy Corte and I have developed a shower dance that deconflicts our use of shower resources, and there’s one simple trick that makes it all possible: we get in and out of the shower at different times.

If we get into the shower at the same time, then we both want access to the water and soap at the same time too, and one of us has to wait on the other. However, if we stagger our entrances to the shower then our work is syncopated and we aren’t both trying to do the same thing at the same time. Magic! Usually I let Sexy Corte get in first, and then I get in after she gets wet. (Ahem.) In this way, we can naturally alternate our use of water and soap so that neither of us has to wait on the other.

Here’s an example sequence of events. As you can see, because we get in at different times we can easily take turns doing activities that require the water (bolded).

  • Sexy Corte gets in the shower and gets wet. El Fury does whatever, outside the shower.
  • Sexy Corte shampoos her hair. El Fury gets in and gets wet.
  • Sexy Corte rinses her hair. El Fury soaps his face.
  • Sexy Corte conditions her hair. El Fury rinses his face.
  • Sexy Corte rinses her hair. El Fury soaps his body.
  • Sexy Corte soaps her body. El Fury rinses his body.
  • Sexy Corte rinses her body. El Fury gets out.
  • Sexy Corte turns the water up to 200 degrees, washes her face, etc. El Fury dries off.

This post sure is exciting, isn’t it? Well, here’s a sex angle: if taking a shower with your spouse is easy and convenient, you’re more likely to have sex in the shower.

Do you take showers with your spouse? Leave a comment!

Update: In the comments Ann points out that I missed an incredibly important tip:

She soaps her body & he soaps his own? Boring!! Soaping each other is very sensual. You could condition her hair & massage her scalp—in case you aren’t aware, a woman getting her hair washed at the salon by a hairdresser is often compared to being almost as good as sex!! Much better that she think of the last shower with her husband when she is leaned back for that salon experience—she could come home wanting her new hairdo messed up…😉

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  1. Having a 4×6 Shower is awesome. I love watching my wife wash her hair and body. I find it hard not to touch when trying to get ready during the week.

  2. She soaps her body & he soaps his own? Boring!! Soaping each other is very sensual. You could condition her hair & massage her scalp—in case you aren’t aware, a woman getting her hair washed at the salon by a hairdresser is often compared to being almost as good as sex!! Much better that she think of the last shower with her husband when she is leaned back for that salon experience—she could come home wanting her new hairdo messed up…😉

  3. Thank you. That’s hilarious and I hope it leads to more shower sex than ever …… if you can find a stage in the process where neither of you is soapy… Or would it be better if one or both were soapy?…. Thanks again for your research on our behalf.;)

  4. We shower together often and will be remodeling soon and we will certainly be adding a large walk in shower to enjoy more time together. We have always enjoyed showering together as a place we can talk, catch up on things.

    1. When we remodeled our shower we discovered that width was more important than length — a few extra inches of width in the shower was more important than a few extra inches of length.

  5. A better solution is two shower heads and two bars of soap. We have a spacious walk in shower with two shower heads so we shower together daily in comfort. Sometimes it leads to sex but often it is just a great way to have some uninterrupted conversation. It is always a great time for me to admire her body which often leads back to sex.

    Before we had the nice walk in shower we added a second shower head to a standard tub shower by adding a hand wand to the shower head with a mount for it on the opposite wall. That is a pretty easy project that almost everyone is handy enough to tackle.

  6. We almost always shower together, washing each other, before time together. My wife claims I do not do a good job, so she is going to help. Yea Right! I am not complaining.
    I really like the idea of washing her hair for her and I think she would enjoy it. However, my mind started rolling and that is a problem. I thought why not take a chair in and let her get comfortable? Nice guy right? … and place the chair facing me. I am sure I will be glad I put in the extra large water heater, before the shower is over.

  7. All I have to say is…how did you know our shower routine? Especially the part about my wife turning the water up to 200 degrees? Have you seen the Yehuda DeVir cartoon of he and his wife showering together? Very funny. That’s the biggest difficulty with us, turning the temperature up and down between turns. Other than that, it’s great fun to shower together.

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