If you’re a husband like me, then you love giving your wife a huge, body-shaking, scream-inducing orgasm. There’s just about nothing better. Most advice for more and better orgasms focuses on techniques you can use in the bedroom, but some researchers have looked in a different direction: qualities of men who give great orgasms. Here are the male traits that lead to more and better orgasms for their partners, as identified by the study, along with some related links from our site.
- Confidence: Fake It ‘Til You Become It
- Attractiveness: Basic Male Fashion, Including a List of Clothes to Buy, Husbandly Hygiene, “It’s Important To Stay Skinny For My Husband” (relevant to husbands, too)
- Shoulder-breadth: Do You Even Lift?
- Sense of humor: We haven’t written a lot about humor explicitly, but we find that it arises naturally when we get out of our comfort zone, try new things, and free ourselves to look silly. Most recently: Pirates and Poetry Night.
- Wealth: Not much to say here, but probably less relevant in a marriage than in a dating relationship.
The researchers wrote: “Orgasm intensity was related to how attracted (women) were to their partners, how many times they had sex per week and ratings of sexual satisfaction.”
“Those with partners who their friends rated as more attractive also tended to have more intense orgasms.”
“Sexual satisfaction was related to how physically attracted women were to their partner and the breadth of his shoulders.”
“Their partner’s sense of humor not only predicted his self-confidence and family income, but it also predicted women’s propensity to initiate sex, how often they had sex and it enhanced their orgasm frequency in comparison with other partners.”
It’s important to realize that all of these qualities are relative. You don’t have to be the richest, handsomest, funniest man in the world — you just have to display some measure of these qualities to your wife! Husbands, however you rate yourselves now, consider ways to move up a notch. Lay off the snacks. Lift some weights. Do some power poses in the bathroom before you go to bed. Buy some shirts that fit.
I think that super focus on my wife’s pleasure is the highest criteria for us.
If I work to give her her first orgasm before even thinking about myself. she feels greatly comforted and appreciated.
This has served us well for more than 42 years. We coach younger couples to focus on each others pleasure and theirs will be multiplied. Think purely about your own satisfaction, and you will be dispointed.
Remember – The Best Is Yet To Be!!!
Jerry Stumpf recently posted…9 Fascinating Tips to Disperse Marriage Arguments And Have A Happy Marriage
I think that’s great advice for when you’re in the moment! This research study particularly interested me because it’s stuff you can do that’s much less direct.
This was a really interesting study. I definitely think that a wife is going to have stronger orgasms when she is with someone that she feels safe with and connected to. It is a lot easier to get your mind there when you are feeling close to your spouse. Being attracted to your spouse is a combination of looks, personality, behavior, and time spent together. That’s my take on it. :D
Keelie Reason recently posted…Do Husbands Like Using Mirrors During Physical Intimacy?
Makes sense to me! I wonder if these kinds of effects get stronger or weaker in marriage vs. dating relationships?
I have no idea. I mean, you probably wouldn’t marry someone that you weren’t attracted to.
Keelie Reason recently posted…Do Husbands Like Using Mirrors During Physical Intimacy?