It appears that Canadian doctors haven’t learned about marriage yet, and I think they’re really missing out.
[Canada’s chief medical officer] Dr Theresa Tam said in a statement there is little chance of catching COVID-19 from semen or vaginal fluid, but sexual activity with new partners does increase the risk of contracting the virus, particularly if there is close contact like kissing.
“Like other activities during COVID-19 that involve physical closeness, there are some things you can do to minimize the risk of getting infected and spreading the virus,” she said.
Skip kissing, avoid face-to-face closeness, wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose, and monitor yourself and your partner for symptoms ahead of any sexual activity, Tam said.
“The lowest risk sexual activity during COVID-19 involves yourself alone,” she added.
If only there were some way to address the “with new partners” part of the problem instead of avoiding kissing and face-to-face closeness. Hmmmm. This seems like something that should have been solved thousands of years ago.
All joking aside, marriage and family sure have been a huge blessing during this pandemic. God knows what he’s doing.