The holidays have been (justifiably!) distracting us from our computers for the last few weeks, so posting has been light… but now that we’re deep into January we’re going to be getting a little more regular here.
One of our kids has been obsessed with the blanket fort that Sexy Corte built for her in her bedroom. Naturally SC and I couldn’t resist kissing a little in the fort while our kids played outside, which led to the realization that we need to build a giant pillow fort for ourselves! We’ve got a miscellaneous relationship date coming up, and we’re going to celebrate by building an awesome Sex Fort. Hopefully we don’t knock it down while we’re playing in it.
Hey, be careful with all those lights! I can just imagine feet flailing and such.
There are some very creative uses for the living room – my wife had a kids pool with some sand in it to have a “winter time” Luau with our kids away for the evening at some friends house.
Thanks for this new idea! I resemble the remark about the blog getting a bit slighted.
Keep up the good work on your blog and on your marriage.
Jerry Stumpf
Great idea. It sounds both adventurous and romantic all in one. If SC is a lights on type of girl, drape the tent with a sheet to one side, turn out the room lights and throw a shadow show onto the sheet and video it. Tip-you need to be closer to the sheet for a well-defined shadow. Try setting an object in the tent and take a look to get an idea of just how close and the best place for the light. Use only one light. Two will create confusing shadows. A bare bulb will create a more defined shadow. You can do that part just for fun since the light may be a little much when it comes to the real deal.
Hmm that’s an interesting idea. Not sure how flattering it would be though. We’ll think about it.
Think of it as a less graphic, more modest variation on the usual homemade theme.
Such a fort could also be used as a set for roleplay.
It could be where Diana and Orion hide ( It could be Cupid’s chambers ( It could be a secret hideaway where the damsel in distress hurriedly makes love to her knight in shining armor while on the run from the bad guys.