Autonomous Car Sex

We’ve posted about our sex robot before, and I’m happy to report that we use it almost every day! As robots proliferate in coming decades, I’m looking forward to at least one more kind of sex robot: autonomous cars! Just think of how much car sex you’ll be having when your car can drive itself.

Self-driving cars will change the way we travel and work. But according to researchers studying the potential implications of autonomous vehicles (AVs), they could also have a profound impact on another aspect of life: How we have sex.

“One of the starting points was that AVs will provide new forms of competition for hotels and restaurants. People will be sleeping in their vehicles, which has implications for roadside hotels. And people may be eating in vehicles that function as restaurant pods,” says Scott Cohen, deputy director of research of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Surrey in the U.K., who led the study. “That led us to think, besides sleeping, what other things will people do in cars when free from the task of driving? And you can see that in the long association of automobiles and sex that’s represented in just about every coming-of-age movie. It’s not a big leap.”

Car sex is great, and having a robotic driver will really open up your options.

  • Have sex on the way to the restaurant! Having sex before your date instead of after ensures you won’t run out of energy before the climax of your night.
  • Have sex anywhere! A parked car can be fine for sex, but sometimes it attracts attention. A moving vehicle is more private.
  • Have sex while “running an errand”! If you’re spending holiday time away from home, you and your spouse can “run to the store” real quick — but really have the car drive you around randomly while you have sex.
  • Have sex with scenic views! Like having sex on a train, you can watch the beautiful scenery rolling by while you make love.

Do you enjoy car sex? Any other ideas for what you’d do if neither you nor your spouse had to drive?

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