Sexy Corte says she thinks this reaction to the repeal of Rove v. Wade is fake because she’s seen it before, but even still I find it amusing. Whether this meme is real or fake, I pray that men and women around the world do rediscover the God’s plan for marriage.
Me and some of my girlfriends did a retreat this weekend to help us cope with the monumental setback in fundamental rights. By the end of it, we had moved from sad and afraid to ANGRY [mad face]. We all agreed to a pact: no having sex with any men, until he had proven himself a capable provider, and until that man had signed a contract, written on paper, agreeing to stay with us and support us if we get pregnant. We started drafting an actual contract, and we’re planning on sending it to a lawyer to make sure its legit. At this point, I am completely done with men who want to hook up and leave, it’s high time for american men to STEP UP.
Whether real or fake, what this woman says she wants is pretty much exactly what God intends for sex. Men and women both need to “step up” to God’s high calling.
Uuhhmm! They need to be married first. That is God’s plan for sex.
Hmmmm, well I have heard that some women who are upset about Roe being overturned are practicing “Celibate Girl Summer.” While I approve of doing that, I have to think that any woman who is so upset about Roe’s undoing is unlikely to sleep with a man who is happy about Roe’s undoing.
I don’t think this post is real, as any woman who is so upset about Roe’s undoing is unlikely to publicly state that she thinks that men need to demonstrate that they are capable providers (while very possibly privately expecting that).
It seems to me that hookup culture is in decline and society at large will be reverting to more traditional ways. There is a recent spate of books written by women on this topic. “Rethinking Sex” by Christine Emba, “The Right to Sex” by Amia Srinivasan, which I have read. I am most looking forward to “The Case Against the Sexual Revolution” by Louise Perry, which is out in Britain, but not yet in the US.
Very interesting perspective. Culture swings back and forth like a pendulum!
I think it’s a great idea in light of Roe v. Wade developments that women think hard about the consequences of having sex without a committed partner. Those screaming “abortion rights” are really just screaming for sex without having to be an adult and live with the consequences. It’s hard to think that “abortion rights” is uttered on a Christian website.