Best Christian Sex Links of the Week

Best Christian Sex Links of the Week 1

It’s time for a Christmas edition of the best Christian sex links we find around the interwebs! There are some pretty great ideas here.

4 Things to Do When You’re Too Tired for Sex — not instead of sex, but suggestions for managing your time and energy more effectively.

Transform Your Negative Reactions into Greater Intimacy — “How can he ask that? Doesn’t he ever listen to me? Why is he thinking about that all of a sudden? I don’t even want to think about that!

Make Your Home Sex-Friendly for Holiday Guests — Beds, locks, privacy, clean sheets. We also suggest a box of baby wipes on the nightstand.

Two posts about hand jobs — is there something in the air?

And since it’s Christmas: How To Give Your Husband a Blowjob. What’s a similar act of service for a husband to bless his wife with? Sexy Corte doesn’t enjoy cunnilingus in a similar fashion, so does anyone have any suggestions?

A few sexy advent calendars:

Tips for wives on how to initiate sex, and a podcast episode for a wife who wants to seduce her husbandBe proactive!

Can We Get More Christians Talking About Sex? — Readers, please consider sharing our blog and podcast with your friends!

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    1. We’re doing great, how about your family?

      We haven’t done a link roundup recently because they’re a lot of work! It seems like they should be easier than writing a bunch of stuff ourselves, but it takes a long time for some reason.

      The podcast has taken some time and energy also. We’re going to go to 20 episodes and then evaluate how successful it’s being.

  1. “What’s a similar act of service for a husband to bless his wife with? Sexy Corte doesn’t enjoy cunnilingus in a similar fashion, so does anyone have any suggestions?”

    My wife doesn’t enjoy cunnilingus either but I try to perform a similar act of service. Sometimes during a makeout session I will manually stimulate her clitoris until she O’s. This is done with no expection of intercourse or an O for me. It’s all about her.

    1. Yeah, sometimes we cuddle and I finger Sexy Corte, but it almost always leads to sex when she gets aroused. She enjoys orgasms most during intercourse. I’m certainly not complaining, but I would like some special way to please her.

      1. If she prefers O’ing during intercourse you could try something like this:

        Begin with manual stimulation of the clitoris coupled with oral stimulation of other erogenous zones (e.g. breasts, neck, etc.). Take some time and enjoy pleasuring her whole body. Continue until she gets close to an O and then engage in a few rounds of edging.

        Then during the next round, at a point where she is close but not quite aroused enough to O, suddenly change things up by starting intercourse. Use the type of thrusting that will be most arousing to her. Hopefully that will quickly lead to a very pleasurable O for her.

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