Best Christian Sex Links of the Week

It’s time for a Christmas edition of the best Christian sex links we find around the interwebs! There are some pretty great ideas here.

4 Things to Do When You’re Too Tired for Sex — not instead of sex, but suggestions for managing your time and energy more effectively.

Transform Your Negative Reactions into Greater Intimacy — “How can he ask that? Doesn’t he ever listen to me? Why is he thinking about that all of a sudden? I don’t even want to think about that!

Make Your Home Sex-Friendly for Holiday Guests — Beds, locks, privacy, clean sheets. We also suggest a box of baby wipes on the nightstand.

Two posts about hand jobs — is there something in the air?

And since it’s Christmas: How To Give Your Husband a Blowjob. What’s a similar act of service for a husband to bless his wife with? Sexy Corte doesn’t enjoy cunnilingus in a similar fashion, so does anyone have any suggestions?

A few sexy advent calendars:

Tips for wives on how to initiate sex, and a podcast episode for a wife who wants to seduce her husbandBe proactive!

Can We Get More Christians Talking About Sex? — Readers, please consider sharing our blog and podcast with your friends!

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