Some great posts to link to this week. I almost linked to a post about spanking that was pretty explicit, but then decided not to.
Gain confidence in the bedroom — Nothing is sexier than enthusiasm and responsiveness: embrace your sexuality!
“And felt grateful my husband and I had made love last night. God must have known I needed it.” — Making love makes more love.
Does the way you avoid sex add to the emotional disconnection? — “Not right now” is an acceptable answer sometimes, but it’s better to just say so than to passive-aggressively avoid sex.
Why did God make sex so hard? — (Haha, “hard”. Ok, I’m childish.) But why should something great be easy?
“It’s Getting Hot in Here” Sex Game — Who doesn’t like sex games?
Husbands, do you text with your wife from work? — SC and I text pretty much every day, but it’s mostly mundane rather than sexual.
Why do men think sex is a reward? — Because it’s something we want, and sometimes it’s scarce. I previously wrote that sexual favors can be one kind of prize for the winner of a sex game, but that idea is controversial. Should sex never be used as a reward?
Female anatomy and orgasm from PIV sex — “your ability or inability to orgasm during intercourse is because you were born that way”.
Ten 30-minute date ideas — Or spend five hours doing them all in a row!
On the topic of edging — Edging is fun and can lead to huge orgasms.
Got another link to share? Leave a comment!
Thanks for sharing my bedroom game. :)
Keelie Reason recently posted…Looking For Ways to Re-kindle the Flame in Your Love Life?
So, was the spanking link on my page?
Nick recently posted…Weekend in the City
Haha yeah :)
You bet!
I have to share this. A new contributor on my site wrote this tribute to his wife. I wish he would have stated the number of years he’s been married. I have written tributes to Heather, her sexiness, kindness, mothering skills, etc. so I fully get this guy. What a wonderful tribute to his wife. Here’s the link. Enjoy.
Nick recently posted…Strong Love After All These Years
Awesome thanks!