The new year is fully upon us, so how about a round-up of our top sex posts from 2015? This list isn’t necessarily just the posts that have gotten the most hits, it also includes posts that received a lot of comments or shares. We’d love for you to share some of these links with your friends!

Thanks for being a part of our community for the past two years. If you like what you find here please share the site with a friend!

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The holidays can be extremely stressful (gifts, family, travel, memories…), so we’d like to encourage you to manage your stress by keeping things simple. You don’t have to live up to everyone else’s expectations for Christmas! Most of the stress is self-imposed by things you “have to do” — but many of those things are completely optional. For example, Sexy Corte and I decided long ago that we aren’t going to send out a thousand Christmas cards to everyone we know. Pick a few traditions you want for your family and prioritize those, then let go of the rest.

When you simplify a bit, you’ll have more energy and sanity to enjoy the time with your family, kids, and spouse, as well as to meditate on the True Meaning of Christmas. Remember that Jesus didn’t come to earth just to be a baby, he came to die on the cross for the sins of mankind and then come back to life to conquer death for all eternity.

May you all have a joyful and simple Christmas!

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Just a quick note to say thank you to all our readers, and especially to those who are kind enough to link back to us and share our blog with their friends. Sexy Corte and I have been writing here for over a year-and-a-half now, and we’re having a blast. Last month we hit a milestone — over 1,000 visitors per day! That’s pretty astounding. We’re grateful and excited that you’ve decided to read our blog, and we pray that our musings are edifying to your marriage.

We realize that many of our readers are reluctant to share sexually-themed links with their friends, but we’re going to ask anyway! If you enjoy our blog, please use the sharing tools at the bottom of each post to share with your friends. You can also follow us on Twitterlike us on Facebook, or subscribe to new posts using the button on the left sidebar. We never share your email address with anyone, and we never send any kind of spam.

If you have a blog, please consider adding us to your link list. If you do add us, be sure to let us know so that we can link back to you!

We don’t make any money from this site, but we enjoy it when people read what we write. So if you like what you’ve seen, please pass it on!

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We realize that many of our readers are reluctant to share sexually-themed links with their friends, but we’re going to ask anyway! If you enjoy our blog, please use the sharing tools at the bottom of each post to share with your friends. You can also follow us on Twitterlike us on Facebook, or subscribe to new posts using the button on the left sidebar. We never share your email address with anyone, and we never send any kind of spam.

If you have a blog, please consider adding us to your link list. If you do add us, be sure to let us know so that we can link back to you!

We don’t make any money from this site, but we enjoy it when people read what we write. So if you like what you’ve seen, please pass it on!

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It strikes me that people may be reluctant to leave comments on a sex blog if they have to register or use a name and email address. Because we love hearing from our readers, we’ve enabled anonymous comments in an effort to foster more discussion. We’ll see how it works!

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We hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

No matter how “complex” your family or marriage are, remember that if you search the Bible there aren’t many perfect families or perfect marriages. Jesus was born into a step-family by God’s design. God is always at work all around us, and he invites us to join him in his work. We encourage you to express your gratitude to God for your spouse, to pray for your own spiritual (and sexual) growth, and to enjoy the holidays with your family.

(Also, get some sexier stockings.)

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You may have noticed that we’ve changed the visual style of the blog. We want our site to be as readable and engaging as possible, so what do you think? Do you like the new look?

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